GENEVA (15 June 2010) – A group of UN human rights experts* today expressed their alarm and deep concern about ethnic tensions that have erupted into violence in the south of Kyrgyzstan, including the cities of Osh and Jalalabad. The violence has reportedly claimed the lives of over one hundred and left many hundreds more injured. A state of emergency has been declared in the region following the outbreak of violence between ethnic Kyrgyz and ethnic Uzbeks. The situation has dramatically deteriorated since 11 June with reports of continuing killings and the burning of residences, shops and other properties.
“Putting a stop to the current violence and preventing its further escalation or spreading to other areas must be the first priority of the provisional government. The security of those from all ethnic groups, including all minorities in Kyrgyzstan, must be protected,” stated the UN experts. “The true causes of the tensions should be fully analyzed and addressed to help ensure that this appalling situation cannot happen again.”
GENEVA (14 June 2010) – The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, expressed alarm Monday at the escalating violence in southern Kyrgyzstan, and urged the local and national authorities “to take swift and decisive action to protect citizens, irrespective of their ethnic origin, and curb the violence.”
Pillay said she was shocked by the scale of the inter-ethnic violence which is reported to have led to more than a hundred people being killed, and well over a thousand injured, since fighting erupted in the city of Osh on 10 June, spreading to the neighbouring town of Jalalabad over the weekend.
Информационное агентство (10 декабря в 11.00)
Ежегодно 10 декабря отмечается как День прав человека. В этот день в 1948 году была подписана Всеобщая Декларация прав человека. В 2009 году этот день посвящен проблеме дискриминации. Запрет какой-либо дискриминации является фундаментальным в концепции защиты прав человека и обозначен во многих международных конвенциях, которые были ратифицированы Кыргызской Республикой.
Как отметила Верховный комиссар ООН по правам человека госпожа Нави Пиллай «из 30 статей Всеобщей Декларации двадцать шесть начинаются со слов «Каждый….» и «Никто…». Правами человека должен пользоваться каждый. Исключать никого нельзя – все люди рождены свободными и равными в своих правах и своем достоинстве. Принцип недискриминации должен быть основополагающим.»
В рамках объявленного ООН Международного Года по изучению прав человека, в Бишкеке продолжается серия Семинаров "Права человека в системе международного права и национального законодательства Кыргызской Республики". Очередной, четвертый в серии семинар "Права детей: вопросы ювенальной юстиции в Кыргызской Республике" состоится 26 ноября 2009 г. в 11.30 в Кыргызской Государственной Юридической Академии (пр. Чуй 180а, первый этаж, конференцзал, ауд. 215)
Студенты Юридической Академии и других Университетов в Бишкеке, молодые юристы, персонал силовых учреждений, журналисты и сотрудники неправительственных организаций, работающих в сфере прав человека приглашены для участия в семинаре.
Средним школам предлагается представить одну фотографию на тему "Чистая окружающая среда - мое право!" Заявки будут приняты только от учащихся школы, обучающихся c 5 по 11 классы.
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BISHKEK (1 October 2009) – Students, journalists and professionals from NGOs and civil society dealing with protection of and advocacy for Human Rights attended yesterday, October 1st, the second of a series of seminars on the instruments for the implementation of the International Human Rights Law (IHL) in Kyrgyzstan.
This second event – entitled “Legal Protection of women in Kyrgyzstan” – was organized to illustrate some of the main challenges in the area of gender equality and women's rights in Kyrgyzstan. Ms. Anastasia Divinskaya (Gender Advisor to the UN Resident Coordinator, UNIFEM) and Ms. Kayirgul Sadybakasova (Human rights and gender equality expert), introduced the participants to the CEDAW – Convention on Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women – and to other international treaties on women's rights ratified by Kyrgyzstan; and – through practical examples and case studies – detailed mechanisms, procedures and instruments for the protection of women's rights.
BISHKEK - On October 1st 2009 at 11:30 the second of a series of seminars on the Implementation of International Human Rights Law (HRL) in Kyrgyzstan will be organized by OHCHR and UNV, in collaboration with the League of Volunteers and the League of Young Lawyers. Venue for the event will be the Conference hall of the Juridical University in Bishkek (Chui Avenue, 180a, 1st floor, Conference Hall, Room 215). Theme of this second seminar will be the Legal Protection of Women.
The event aims at introducing participants to Kyrgyz gender-related legislation and to the legal instruments women can use to protect their rights.
Speakers for this particular seminar will be Ms. Anastasia Divinskaya (Gender Advisor to the UN Resident Coordinator, UNIFEM) and Ms. Kayirgul Sadybakasova (Human rights and gender equality expert).
The speakers will discuss the main challenges in the area of gender equality and women's rights in Kyrgyzstan; will introduce the Convention on Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and other international treaties on women's rights ratified by Kyrgyzstan; and will illustrate – through practical examples – mechanisms, procedures and instruments for protection of women's rights.
26 June 2009 - “The prohibition of torture is one of the most absolute to be found anywhere in international law. Article 2 of the Convention against Torture is unequivocal: “No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.”
And no one is let off the hook – neither the actual torturers themselves, nor the policy- makers and public officials who define the policy or give the orders.
BISHKEK – Students and professionals from NGOs and civil society dealing with protection of and advocacy for Human Rights attended on Tuesday, June 16th the first of a series of seminars on the instruments for the implementation of the International Human Rights Law (IHL) in Kyrgyzstan.
The first seminar - entitled “Protecting Human Rights in Kyrgyzstan” – illustrated the different instrument Kyrgyz citizens have to protect their rights under IHL. Mr Erlan Alimbaev, lawyer, National United Nations Volunteer and Legal Specialist in Regional Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), introduced the instruments all Kyrgyz citizens have to protect their rights in front of national authorities and international bodies - with a special focus on OHCHR procedures.
On 27 - 28 April in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, OHCHR Regional Office for Central Asia organized a regional training activity on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).
The event involved representatives of Governments, National Human Rights Institutions and United Nations Country Team from many countries such as Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and Tajikistan which will be reviewed in the UPR in the near future.