The United Nations in Kyrgyztsan
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# 130
March 28, 2001

In this issue:


  • Update on the Adult Training Center in Kyrgyzstan


  • New UNDP Kyrgyzstan Project Signed on 22 March


  • Press Conference on HIV/AIDS
  • Workshop on Health Care Technology Management


  • Update on Counterpart Consortium/USAID/UNHCR-Supported NGO activities


  • Drinking Water Project in Khalmion Municipality Opened


  • Roundtable on Prevention of and Combating Trafficking in Women and Children in the Kyrgyz Republic


Three More Years in Kyrgyzstan. The Adult Training Center (ATC) of Kyrgyzstan received additional funding from DANIDA for implementation of the three-year project “Kyrgyzstan 2001-2004 - Public Enlightenment and Adult Education”. The main objective of the Adult Training Center is strengthening democratic processes in Kyrgyzstan through adult training based on the principles of direct and active involvement, equal accessibility and transparency, as well as increasing possibilities of individuals for a personal and professional development. This is aimed at helping people play an active role in the development of society. The ATC organizes courses within Civic Education in psychology, conflict prevention and resolution, human rights, legislation, ecology, gender, tolerance, languages, computer skills, labor safety, labor market. Vocational Training courses cover such topics as: traditional handicraft, accountancy, and the basics of entrepreneurship, marketing, and management. In addition to courses, the ATC organizes Cultural Activities, such as: theatre performances, round tables, public debates, exhibitions and Club Activities. The ATC courses are open to everyone, who is willing to upgrade qualification, get additional knowledge on society, personal development and labor market irrespective of their age, education, ethnicity, gender, religion, and employment. Special target groups are marginalized groups, such as single mothers, pensioners, unemployed, and women. Apart from the National Directorate, currently, three Regional Centers and five affiliations operate in four provinces of Kyrgyzstan: Chui, Osh, Jalal-Abad, and Issyk-Kul.

Contact: Mr. Yuri Didenko, ATC National Director, 27 Molodaya Gvardia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Tel: +996-312 24-36-10, 65-12-14. Fax: +996-312 65-20-77. E-mail: [email protected] Web-site in Kyrgyz, Russian and English was opened recently.


On 22 March 2001, a UNDP Project called "Enabling the Kyrgyz Republic to Prepare its First National Communication in Response to its Commitments to the UN Convention on Climate Change" was signed at the Ministry of Environment and Emergencies. The following activities will be undertaken to facilitate the preparation of the First National Communication: a) an inventory of greenhouse gas emission; b) an assessment of potential impacts of climate change; c)and analysis of potential measures to abate the increase in greenhouse gas emission and to adapt to climate change; d) preparations of a national action plan to address climate change and its adverse impacts; and e) preparation of the First National Communication of the Kyrgyz Republic. To achieve these goals, the 18-month Project envisages an establishment of the Coordination Committee under chairmanship of the Ministry of Environment and Emergencies. Other Committee members include Kyrgyz government agencies and national experts. The Committee will collect, summarize and analyze data on gas emission impacting the greenhouse effect.

The project can also be seen as an essential tool to enhance general awareness and knowledge on climate change issues in the country, thus enabling it to take those issues into account in general planning and strategy formulation for different economic and technical sectors, and to strengthen its role in the international scientific forums and negotiations processes related to climate change. A part of this task is to facilitate the dialogue, information exchange and cooperation among all relevant stakeholders including governmental and non-governmental organizations, academic and private sectors and mass media.

The project funded by GEF (332,000 USD) and the Kyrgyz Government (15,000 USD) is designed to set up an institutional framework and build its capacity, preparing for eventual additional communication obligations, and for further development and implementation of the identified response measures addressing climate change and its adverse impacts.

Contact: Mr. Adilet Abdybekov, UNDP National Program Assistant, UN House, 160 Chui prospect, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Tel.: 996-312 61-12-13, Fax: 996-312 61-12-17, 61-12-18. Email:


On March 27, 2001 a press conference on HIV/AIDS situation in Kyrgyzstan was held at the National News Agency Kabar. The event was initiated by First Deputy Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, Nikolai Tanaev, and acting UNDP Resident Representative, Yuri Misnikov,. The reason for the press conference is the Kyrgyz Government’s serious concern of situation in the Kyrgyz Republic with fast spread of HIV/AIDS in the South. For the last three month the number of HIV-infected in the country has increased dramatically. There were 11 cases in November 2000. As of March 26, the number changed to 36 cases. This is connected with the beginning of the epidemic among injecting drug addicts in Osh province, where 20 cases have been detected during February 2001. The actual number of HIV cases is higher (as per the assessment of UNAIDS experts) – it might be not less then 360 cases.

At the same time, Kyrgyzstan is going through one more epidemic – heroin abuse. The country, being situated on one of the main drug traffic from Afghanistan to Europe and other countries, step by step is involved in the system of illegal drug traffic. Moreover, big amount of heroin makes the substance quite cheap and accessible for the youth. According to the assessment of national and international experts, conducted in Bishkek and Osh cities, there are 50,000 drug addicts in the country; more than 80% of them are injecting drug users (around 40,000 people).

The situation with HIV/AIDS spread in the Kyrgyz Republic and further perspectives of its prevention, localization of epidemic, and strengthening measures for its economic and social outcomes were reviewed.

Contact: Mrs. Larissa Bashmakova, National Project Manager, tel./fax: (996 312) 66-36-91, Tel.: (996 312) 22-03-84, e-mail:

Workshop on Health Care Technology Management for the representatives of the Ministry of Health and the heads of National Centers. Within the framework of the WHO cooperation with the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of developing the National Strategy on Essential Health Technologies, a workshop on Health Care Technology Management for the representatives of the Ministry of Health and the heads of National Centers was conducted on 16-17 March in Bishkek. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Peter Heimann and Mr. Tom Judd, WHO experts. During the workshop such issues as the Health Systems and its Resource Requirements Technology, the Healthcare Technology Policy - development, implementation and assessment were discussed. Mr. Himann and Mr. Judd introduced the Essential Healthcare Technology Package (EHTP) jointly developed by the WHO and South African Medical Research Council in 1996. Package (EHTP) was designed to help in defining which essential services are affordable and sustainable by identifying and quantifying all kind of resources needed to perform preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative procedures for the majority of common and prevalent diseases and health-related conditions. The representatives of the International organizations (Swiss Coordination Office, DFID and Swiss Red Cross) also participated on the workshop.

Contact: Ms. Cholpon Asanbaeva, NPO, WHO. 62 Toktogul Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Tel.: (996 312) 29-87-98, 29-87-91. Fax: (996 312) 68-09-40. Email:


Update on Counterpart Consortium/USAID/UNHCR/EU-Supported NGO activities. The Civil Society Support Center in Bishkek, which is housed by the International Center InterBilim, held a two-day training on the NGO and Community module for 20 representatives of the NGO community. The workshop was held on March 15-16, 2001 under Counterpart Consortium Program of Civil Society and NGO Development in the Central Asia Region funded through USAID. This training module was designed by Counterpart Consortium and helps the participants understand the place and role of NGOs in democracy and civil society. The participants also discussed issues such as:

  • The third sector as a part of civil society
  • What NGO is and its role in local, national and international development
  • Community in which NGOs operate
  • NGO clients and value of NGO activities for the customers
  • NGO mission and sustainability

The workshop has several sessions that consider various objectives or issiues.

For more information, please contact Elena Voronina, International Center InterBilim. Tel: 66 04 25, 66 05 16.

Civil Society Support Center “Consulting” held a two-day training in Volunteer Management for NGOs in Kara-Balta on March 19-20, 2001. The training was held under Counterpart Consortium Program of Civil Society and NGO Development in the Central Asia Region funded through USAID. 14 people attended the workshop from 10 non-profit organizations (Panfilov, Jaiyl and Moskovsi areas). Among the participants there were mangers, NGO members and volunteers and 6 contract trainers who will be able to conduct this type of training for local community. The workshop was organized with the purpose of developing volunteer movement in the region attracting attention of the general public to this issue. The same type of training was held in Karakol on March 23-24, 2001 by the Civil Society Support Center of the Issyk-Kul region. 16 participants representing the NGO community, community-based organizations, governmental agencies, local governing bodies and mass media attended the workshop. The participants of the training acquired knowledge and developed skills in managing volunteers in a non-profit organization as well as discussed other issues such as

  • gave a definition of a volunteer
  • discussed the role of volunteers in non-profit organizations
  • discussed incentives that make volunteers work for NGOs
  • recruitment and selection of volunteers
  • monitoring and evaluation of volunteer activities
  • components of a positive image of a volunteer
  • gaining skills in analyzing stakeholders and identifying potential volunteers
  • acquiring skills in developing a plan to attract volunteers
  • studying the experience of Volunteer Centers and volunteer initiatives abroad

Civil Society Support Center of the Issyk-Kul region conducted a three-day training in Project Design for 14 NGO and CBO members. The workshop was held under Counterpart Consortium training program funded through USAID. The purpose of this training is to train in how develop logical, reasonable and justifiable project proposals that meet the requirements of Counterpart and other donors to receive funding and resources for a project. Some other issues were emphasized at the workshop such as:

  • information contained in applications received from donor organizations
  • methods of data collection
  • problem statement
  • setting project goals and objectives
  • drafting a project implementation plan
  • developing a project work plan and evaluating project resources
  • developing and justifying the project budget
  • monitoring and evaluating the project

Under the joint program of Counterpart Consortium and European Union “Building the Capacity of Local Communities in Civil Society” a Participatory Community Appraisal was held in the village of Ber-Bulak. The purpose of this workshop was identification of problems with the villagers. The workshop was held by Counterpart Consortium, International Center InterBilim, Crises Center UMUT, and NGO Arysh. All the surveyors were trained at the workshop “PCA Organization and Management”. 75 residents of the Ber-Bulak village participated in the workshop.

Training “Facilitation Skills” was held by Counterpart Consortium on March 13-14, 2001. The workshop was attended by 22 people representing 8 CSSCs from Osh, Naryn, Batken, Issyk-Kul, Jalal-Abad, Kant, Kara-Balta and Bishkek. Trainers of Counterpart Consortium and participants considered a series of issues such as

  • defined attributes of facilitation
  • discussed methods of team decision making
  • discussed the importance of a preliminary stage in the facilitation process
  • discussed the facilitation process

A series of practical assignments was held in small groups. At the end of the workshop, the participants discussed skills and knowledge acquired at the workshop and situations in which they can apply them. The training was held under Counterpart Consortium Program of Civil Society and NGO Development in the Central Asia Region funded through USAID.

On March 16, 2001 Counterpart Consortium held one-day workshop on impact writing. It was held for 15 participants representing CSSCs. At the workshop the following issues were considered:

  • definition of an impact
  • what a success story is
  • 4-step formula of a success story
  • Conditions for impact identification. Pieces of advice of experienced impact-writers.
  • Why it is necessary and important to write success stories.

Contact: Counterpart Consortium, Lilia Kuchenova, IU/AUK Program Coordinator, Information Coordinator of NGO, 107 Kievskaya str., 5th floor, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Phone: 996(312) 610 135, 610 022, 664 636 Fax: 996(312) 610 021 Email: Internet:


Drinking Water Project in Khalmion Municipality Opened – On March 20, the opening ceremony of the drinking water supply project under UNDP’s Preventive Development in the South project in the village of Kyzyl (municipality of Khalmion) was held in the presence of the project staff, the head of the municipality and several Community-Based Organizations (CBOs). The broader idea behind the presentation was to bring different community organizations and the local authorities together in order to show an example of conflict preventive measures, and how such initiatives could be taken in other villages of Kadamjai district as well.

The multi-ethnic municipality of Khalmion lays in the Southern district of Kadamjai right on the border with Uzbekistan, and is one of the program’s pilot municipalities. It groups 14 villages and hamlets totaling 15,194 people and has a sizeable ethnic Uzbek community. The length of its water supply line is 2 km, providing only 12 to 15 percent of the population with safe drinking water. Its original source of drinking water is situated right over the border, in Uzbekistan. But since the latter has put barbed wire and increased border controls, access has become far more difficult. So the villagers started to take water from a channel from Pulgon-Kadamjai. However, people living upstream also used the water for laundry, to wash their cars, wade their cattle and so on – thus polluting it for those living (and drinking it) downstream. In turn, it led to an increase of different infections and diseases such as viral hepatitis, diphtheria and brucellosis.

In late 2000, UNDP’s Preventive Development in the South project started to support and co-finance the Taza Suu project of the CBO Maksat. This project, whose total cost is 240,580 Som (some US$ 4,900), foresees the repair of the Kyzyl well and its connection to the water system, which will provides 42 households with drinking water. Besides providing people with drinking water, the Taza Suu project als wants to reduce the level of different diseases and, especially, prevent social-ethnic conflicts in a sensitive border area. The works were carried out in cooperation with Mercy Corps International’s ‘food for work’ program. It was opened on March 20 as a present for Nawruz, the Turkic-Iranian Spring and New Year celebration that is popular both among Kyrgyz and Uzbeks.

Contact: The Preventive Development Center and the UN Regional Coordination Office in South Kyrgyzstan in Batken. Phone (996 3622) 361.44 or 360.29. E-mail: or You can find more information on UNDP’s Preventive Development in the South of Kyrgyzstan project on on the project’s website at and on UNDP’s homepage at (click ‘UNDP Programs’).


Roundtable on Prevention of and Combating Trafficking in Women and Children in the Kyrgyz Republic. On 16 March 2001, IOM, USAID and Counterpart Consortium conducted a roundtable “Prevention of and combating trafficking of women and children in the Kyrgyz Republic”. The roundtable was held under the counter-trafficking project funded by USAID and brought in non-governmental organizations dealing with women’s issues, tourist agencies, marriage bureaus and Mass Media.

The overall objective of the roundtable was to discuss the findings of the research on trafficking in women and children in Kyrgyzstan conducted by IOM and jointly funded by IOM and OSCE/ODIHR, to raise awareness of this phenomenon and develop practical recommendations.

According to the findings of the research, a significant number of women trafficked from Kyrgyzstan was lured by advertisements promising well paid jobs abroad or opportunities to marry foreigners, placed by tourist agencies and marriage bureaus. The roundtable, second in a series of planned seminars and roundtables, was specifically designed for NGOs, tourist agencies, marriage bureaus and Mass Media in order to involve them in the discussion on what practical measures shall be taken to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings.

Trafficking has become a global business, generating billions of dollars for organized criminal networks. The experience of other countries demonstrates that the only way to combat this phenomenon is coordinated partnership among all parties concerned. At the opening of the roundtable IOM Chief Programme Specialist Ruth Pojman noted: “The Government agencies, NGOs, business structures, Mass Media, embassies, international organizations and the victims of trafficking will all have to join their efforts in combating trafficking, for coordinated partnership is the most effective way to do so”.

Contact: International Organization for Migration (IOM), Aida Suyundueva, IOM Public Information Assistant, ul. Kalyka-Akieva 66 ”A”. Tel.: +996-312 / 61-17-30, 65-17-31. Fax: +996-312 / 65-18-50. E-mail:

Copyright © UN in Kyrgyzstan, 2001
Hosted by UNDP in Kyrgyzstan
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