# 150
November 27, 2001
In this issue:
- Yuri Misnikov, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative, ended his mission in Kyrgyzstan
- The fourth regular meeting of the Preventive Development Forum held in Batken
- Forum on Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development held in Istanbul
- World anti - AIDS Campaign and Jonathan Mann Award in 2001
- A Youth Forum held in Bishkek
- In Batken the President visited radio “Salam” financed by UNICEF
- A training workshop for rural and Bishkek TV journalists on health issues
- Training on fundraising activities in Naryn oblast
- Training for Trainers in the framework of the Program of Civil Society and NGO Development in the Central Asia Region funded by USAID
Yuri Misnikov’s end of assignment in Kyrgyzstan. UNDP Deputy Resident Representative Yuri Misnikov ended his mission in Kyrgyzstan. Yuri Misnikov has been UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Kyrgyzstan since September 1999. During his mission in Kyrgyzstan the National Fiscal Decentralization Forum, ICT for Development Summit and other important events were organized under his guidance. Yuri Misnikov was awarded Dank Medal by the President of Kyrgyzstan at the National Forum on Social Mobilization and Microcrediting, for his outstanding contribution to the country’s development. His next assignment is in Bratislava, at the Regional Support Centre, where he will be working in ICT for Development area.
The fourth regular meeting of the Preventive Development Forum participants was held in the administrative center of Batken province on 15th of November. The Forum consisted of representatives of various international organizations and donors, non-governmental organizations and the UN agencies working in Batken region. The objective of the Forum was to bring together all interested parties for the exchange of information, share experience and recount successful results. The Preventive Development Component of the Political and Administrative Local Governance Programme has already held several previous meetings under the chairmanship of the Governor of Batken province, Mr. Mamat Aibalaev. The Governor welcomed the participants from the Mercy Corps, ACTED, FTI, ICG and UN agencies. Yuri Misnikov, Deputy Resident Representative and Ainura Alymbekova, Programme Associate represented the UNDP Country Office in Kyrgyzstan. During the Forum meeting, it was expressed to hold such meetings in the future for further collaboration and cooperation between the parties. The importance of partnership is essential in the development processes that are currently taking place in Batken province of Kyrgyzstan.
Contact: Mr. Ruslan Monolbaev, Coordinator for Preventive Development Component, UNDP Local Governance Programme. Phone: (996 312) 66 01 69, e-mail:
Support to Small and Medium Business component. The annual meeting of the Transition Economies Forum on Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development took place on 14-15 November in Istanbul. Guide to the strategic policy review process and Guide to the development of a strategic plan related to Micro and Small and Medium Enterprises have been analyzed and general conclusions and revisions to the proposed guides were drawn. The manager of the UNDP SME project Ms. Zaure Sydykova and business counselor of the project Mr. Bolot Utirov participated in the discussions and made a presentation on Setting Out of a Mission Statement and Governing Principles, indicating how small business policy can be executed within the vision of the government and how it can be developed to engage the key aspects of mainstream government policy, such as competition, innovation, technology. The main focus was made on Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) and the place of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) development within this program. This presentation and experience of Kyrgyzstan have attracted interest of all Forum’s participants and recommendations made by UNDP SME project were recommended for inclusion to the Guide accordingly. The Guide will be published in English and Russian by the end of this year.
Contact: Ms. Zaure Sydykova, SME Component Coordinator, UNDP Social Governance Programme. Phone: (996 312) 66 22 86, 66 23 41.
HIV/AIDS Component. Jonathan Mann Award in 2001 was given this year to “Tais Plus” NGO. It became a nominee from Kyrgyzstan for the International Jonathan Mann Award in the Central Asia Region. This is the third year when Kyrgyzstan has a nominee for this award, which was established in 1998 by UNESCO, UNAIDS, and UNODCCP in the Central Asia Region, with UNICEF joined in 1999. The Award is named after Jonathan Mann, a prominent leader and founder of the World Health Organization’s Special Programme on HIV/AIDS, which in 1996 was replaced by UNAIDS, the UN Joint Programme on AIDS. The four Jonathan Mann Awards for the most significant contribution towards HIV/AIDS prevention and harm reduction in CAR shall be granted at a public ceremony on the World AIDS Day, December 1st. Awards are to be given in each of the following key sectors: Media, NGOs, National anti – AIDS Programme (government action). Each prize shall consist of a certificate and an award of US$1000 intended to encourage the prizewinning individual or institution to continue work in this area.
NGO “Tais Plus” was established in the beginning of 2000, but long before the working group have been working in HIV/AIDS prevention among commercial sex workers in the Kyrgyz Republic. The NGO is doing a lot to raise the awareness of the group through various seminars, training, fieldwork, not only distributing the information materials and condoms, but conducting education sessions as well. PR activity with national and international mass media played a significant role in their work, so they could develop unique materials on protection of human rights of persons with HIV/AIDS.
The working group of NGO is also functioning as information–methodic center offering technical assistance for the similar groups, which work on HIV/AIDS intervention in other countries of the Central Asia (with exception of Uzbekistan). Since 1998, the technical assistance was offered to the working groups in Osh and Jalal-Abad (Kyrgyzstan), Ashgabat (Turkmenistan), Dushanbe (Tajikistan), and in Kazakhstan. Most successful interventions were done in Osh and Shymkent, where the working groups took the Bishkek model as the basis for the work.
Contact: Mrs. Larisa Bashmakova, Coordinator for HIV/AIDS Component, UNDP Social Governance Programme. Tel./fax: (996 312) 66-36-91, 66 16 17, e-mail:
A Youth Forum held in Bishkek. UNICEF in cooperation with Save the Children UK organized a Preparatory Youth Forum called "Young Voices of Kyrgyzstan" 21-25 November in Bishkek. The project was implemented by UNICEF with support from the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights under the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). 50 young people of 14-18 years of age and accompanying adults from all regions of Kyrgyzstan were invited for this event. 23 November UNICEF also conducted the press conference on “Young Voices Opinion Poll of Children and Young People in Europe and the Central Asia”.
The President visits radio “Salam” in Batken financed by UNICEF. During the working visit the President Askar Akaev paid a visit to "Salam" radio station in Batken 21 November. Radio “Salam” is a UNICEF funded project and is being implemented in a close partnership with Foundation for International Tolerance and INTERNEWS Kyrgyzstan. During the visit, President Akaev became acquainted with the radio staff and their programme work. On this occasion he signed the guest book of Radio “Salam” and was photographed together with the radio station staff.
Contact: Ms. Raiva Toigonbaeva, UNICEF Communications Consultant. Phone: (996 312) 61 12 13; e-mail: .
A training workshop for rural and Bishkek TV journalists was held jointly with Internews – Kyrgyzstan 20-23 November within the framework of the WHO Communication activities. A professional trainer, TV consultant Alexander Makarenko from Internews - Ukraine, facilitated the training. The main scope of the workshop was to improve the quality of producing and delivering health messages to the public in an interesting, professional, engaging and attractive way. Such issues as NIS format of TV programmes on health, the main stages of producing and fundraising of health programmes, talk shows and technical aspects of production of TV programmes on health issues were discussed by participants. The format of the training was a combination of plenary sessions and working groups sessions. Participants demonstrated their examples of TV products on health issues, which were used as case studies within the training and were evaluated and analyzed by the trainer. The training was financed by Internews – Kyrgyzstan in an equipped modern TV/Radio studio and let participants learn new TV technologies and tools in preparing TV messages.
Contact: Ms. Cholpon Asambaeva, WHO National Programme Officer. Tel./fax: (996 312) 29 87 91, 29 87 98, 68 08 30; e-mail:
Training in Naryn oblast. On November 15-16 Civil Society Support Center conducted the training on fundraising issues in Naryn oblast. Leaders and representatives of thirteen NGOs based in Kochkor and Jumgal of Naryn oblast. 24 people took part in the training.
The goal of the trainings were as follows:
- To explain the concept of fundraising, its role for organizational development, the third sector and civil society;
- To explain the concept of marketing and its components, to teach to develop an "ideal" program of fundraising and define resources for project implementation;
- To teach the participants to prepare and conduct a fundraising campaign
The participants examined the following questions:
- Fundraising and its role in building civil society;
- Marketing approach to raising funds;
- Development of "ideal" program and resource planning;
- Definition of the main phases of the effective fundraising
Contact: Counterpart Consortium, Lilia Kuchenova, IU/AUK Program Coordinator, NGO Information Coordinator, 107 Kievskaya str., 5th floor, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Phone: (996 312) 61 01 35, 61 00 22, 66 46 36; fax: (996 312) 61 00 21; e-mail: Internet: http://www.cango.net.kg
One more Training for Trainers to promote facilitation skills of the local NGOs' representatives was conducted by the Counterpart Consortium. It was conducted with the purpose to build capacities of the local NGOs and to use them as a resource to train local communities in the future. The training was conducted within the framework of Counterpart Consortium’s «Program of Civil Society and NGO Development in the Central Asia Region», funded by USAID. 22 representatives of various Bishkek NGOs and Civil Society Support Centers from Naryn, Jalal-Abad, Batken, Kara-Balta participated in the training.
During the four days of the seminar participants learned the basics of facilitation skills; and in the end they were given a special task to be prepared for the next training - "NGOs and Community". On the fourth day the participants applied knowledge in practice and had opportunity to conduct working sessions. At the end of the seminar the training modules were presented to trainers.
Contact: Counterpart Consortium, Lilia Kuchenova, IU/AUK Program Coordinator, NGO Information Coordinator, 107 Kievskaya str., 5th floor, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Phone: (996 312) 61 01 35, 61 00 22, 66 46 36; fax: (996 312) 61 00 21; e-mail: Internet: http://www.cango.net.kg