ITB/BOMCA/09-001 - Construction of multi agency dog handler's training centre
Expire date: Monday, 02 March 2009
Agency UNDP
Terms of Reference

BOMCA stands for “European Union’s assistance programme on border management in Central Asia”. BOMCA programme aims at fostering security, stability and development in Central Asia.

EU/UNDP BOMCA-CADAP Programme Management Office together with UNDP CO in Kyrgyz Republic is launching an open international ITB and invites interested vendors/suppliers in construction (including supply, delivery of building materials) of Multi Agency Dog Handler's Training Centre in Leninsky village, Kyrgyz Republic.


Interested Bidders may obtain further information at the following address:

Regional BOMCA/CADAP Office
234 “a”, Chokmorova Str., 720010
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Fax: +996 (312) 31 73 82 or E-mail:

Bids must be delivered to the Regional BOMCA/CADAP Office on or before 14:00 (local time) on 2 March 2009 at the following address:

Regional BOMCA/CADAP Office
234 “a”, Chokmorova Str., 720010
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Contact information

A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Solicitation Documents may notify the procuring entity in writing by fax +996 312 317382 or by e-mail to up to 13 February 2009. Written copies of the response will be sent to all prospective Bidders that acknowledged receipt of the Solicitation Documents and will be posted at web site under “Procurement” section.

Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’ Representatives, who chose to attend on 2 March 2009 at 14:30 (local time) at above mentioned address.

Pre bid conference will be organized on 11:00, 13 February 2009 at the UNDP office. Presence of authorized companies' representative is more than welcome.

Date added: Monday, 26 January 2009




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