Functional Review of the National Gender Mechanism in the Kyrgyz Republic
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Categories: (United Nations Development Programme in Kyrgyzstan | UN Agencies | UN Gender Theme Group | Publications | )
Friday, 26 March 2010
Type of document report
The Kyrgyz Republic has made a series of commitments to achieve gender equality, including the ratification of major international conventions and policy documents on women’s rights, such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Beijing Platform of Action (BPA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDG. A series of laws were also adopted to implement gender policies.

Strengthening the national gender mechanism is task 1.1. of the Activities Matrix in the National Action Plan for achieving gender equality in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2007-2010. Activity 1 is to conduct a functional review of the public administration system to determine sustainability of the national gender mechanism for implementing gender policies and develop, discuss, introduce and publicize outcomes of the review.

The Government requested a group of local experts to conduct the functional review in close cooperation with the Government Office and under the guidance of the UNDP Project Coordinator.

This report presents outcomes of the functional review of national gender mechanism and recommendations for its improvement. The review was limited to information and data obtained before December 15 2008. Hence, all changes occurred during 2009 are provided in the form of footnotes and notes.
The names of the ministries as well as recommendations on the Government structure provided in the report refer to those effective before the administrative reform took place in November 2009. However, despite the revised structure of the Government and a transfer of the coordination function for gender policies implementation at the national level from the Government Office to the established Ministry of Labor, Employment and Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic, most of the findings and recommendations of the functional review remain relevant and require effective measures to be implemented by the public administration and local self-government bodies, which fall under the national gender mechanism system
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SectorIcon Sector Gender
Contact person Nurgul Asylbekova
Title UNDP Country Programmes Gender Coordinator