Консультант по гендеру и расширению экономических возможностей сельских женщин Send to a friend Print Version
Expire date Friday, 07 October 2016
Contract type National Project Personnal
Agency FAO
Duration 11 months
Place Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Terms of Reference Reducing gender inequalities in the agricultural sector offers a critical development pathway for FAO to achieve its three global goals on reducing hunger and malnutrition, economic development (which includes the elimination of poverty) and the sustainable management of natural resources. The Consultant will work under the direct supervision of the FAO Representative in Kyrgyzstan and with technical backstopping from the gender team led by Ms Susan Kaaria, Senior Gender Officer in the Social Policies and Rural Institutions Division (ESP) in FAO-Rome.
  1. 1) Provide technical support to FAO’s work to facilitate a multi-stakeholder process of analysing national agriculture-related policies and programmes from the gender perspective, through application of the Gender and Agricultural Policy Analysis Tool (GAPo), led by the FAO Representation in Kyrgyzstan in close collaboration with ESP. In particular, the Consultant will:
  • -Liaise with key policy stakeholders to support the identification and collection of the main agriculture-related policy documents.
  • -Support the GAPo partner institution (to be identified) in undertaking an in-depth analysis of the main agriculture-related policy documents and in conducting key informant interviews.
  • -Support the GAPo partner institution in the preparation and organization of a national validation workshop of the analysis undertaken (identification and invitation of participants, preparation of background materials, logistical support, etc.).
  • -Providing technical support to the preparation of a final publishable report on the GAPo implementation, to be widely disseminated. This would entail ensuring internal consistency and proper integration of comments provided by ESP and others.
  • -Serve as the main in-country focal point for ESP and REU on all the above activities.
  1. 2) Provide technical support to FAO’s work related to supporting the national implementation of CEDAW Article 14 in the context of national food security and nutrition. In particular, the Consultant will:
  • -Establish and maintain partnership with governmental and other national counterparts and UN partners to ensure cross-sectoral collaboration and that issues related to gender equity and rural women’s empowerment are taken into consideration in food security and nutrition policy processes and that food security and nutrition issues are considered during gender policy processes
  • -In collaboration with the FAO gender team, support the gender focal point in the Ministry of Agriculture, Melioration and Food Industry in contributing to the implementation of relevant measures of the National Action Plan on the achievement of gender equality in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2015-2017
  • -In collaboration with the UN Country Team Gender Theme Group support the implementation of the relevant measures of the Action Plan for Implementation of the CEDAW Concluding Observation for the Kyrgyz Republic’s 4th Periodic Report
  • -Liaise with the policy officer of the FAO-EU FIRST programme (to be recruited) and provide support to ensure that gender equity and rural women’s empowerment issues are taken into consideration in relevant policy processes, in particular in the formulation of the national rural development strategy and food security programme and related coordination mechanisms (process to be informed by the GAPo implementation)
  1. 3) Provide technical support to the gender-related work of the FAO Representation in Kyrgyzstan, with particular emphasis on FAO’s contribution to the Joint Programme on “Accelerating the economic empowerment of rural women” that FAO is implementing in partnership with IFAD, WFP, and UN Women
  2. 4) Act as a resource for FAOKYR assisting in mainstreaming the perspective of gender equality and women’s empowerment into on-going and pipeline projects.
-Perform any other tasks as required
Contact information

For this position, a duly completed Personal Profile Form (PPF) generated from FAO’s IRecruitment portal is to be submitted together with a Cover Letter and at least 3 recommendation letters not later than 7 October 2016, by email Candidates, meeting selection criteria, will be invited for interview. Kindly note that attached resumes or CVs in place of PPF will not be accepted. In order to prepare a Personal Profile Form, you must first register on the FAO iRecruitment site (click on the following link to register:


As you fill in your information on-line you should make sure to click Save after each section before logging out. Also be aware that the session times out after 20 minutes of inactivity.

Supporting Documents TORs Gender Consultant KGZ rev clean.docx (Size: 58 Kb)
Created Friday, 23 September 2016