Consultants for Short-term (temporary) Assignments in Central Asia Sub region on Gender Mainstreaming Send to a friend Print Version
Expire date Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Contract type Personal Services Agreement(PSA)
Agency FAO
Duration Varies in duration (daily, weekly or monthly basis)
Place Varies in Central Asia (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey or Uzbekistan)
Terms of Reference

Gender equality is central to FAO’s mandate for achieving food security for all by raising levels of nutrition, improving agricultural productivity and natural resource management and, improving the lives of rural population.  Working towards gender equality will increase the impact of FAO interventions, while at the same time contribute to the achievement of the broader UN goal of human rights and social justice. FAO can only achieve its goals if it works simultaneously towards gender equality and supports women’s diverse roles in agriculture and rural development. In this context, the FAO Subregional Office for Central Asia (SEC) is looking at establishing a roster of experts on gender mainstreaming in Central Asia.

Under the overall supervision of the Subregional Coordinator and the direct supervision of the Gender Focal Point, in close collaboration with other members of the Multidisciplinary Team and the Gender Team at the Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, along with the guidance of FAO country offices and in consultation with Ministries of Agriculture and other Government Ministries and Agencies responsible for gender issues in the sub region, the experts will be requested to support FAO normative and field activities on gender mainstreaming in Central Asia at both regional and country levels. More specifically, the experts will support activities such as

  • To carry out a gender audit of the FAO Sub-Regional office for Central Asia
  • To carry out a gender analysis for all strategic objectives, integrate gender issues and measure gender implementation progress
  • To understand the gender dimension of relevant sectors (e.g. fisheries and aquaculture) in Central Asia
  • To carry out a country gender assessment of the national agriculture and rural development sector and integrate gender issues in country programming frameworks
  • To conduct a gender equality stock-taking exercise
  • To strengthen capacities of Member Countries to collect, analyze, report and use gender disaggregated data
  • To carry out a gender analysis during the formulation and/or implementation of field programmes/projects
  • To develop and implement capacity development activities on gender mainstreaming


  • Minimum Master’s degree in social sciences or equivalent,
  • At least 5 years of relevant experience in one or more of the following thematic categories:

Thematic categories:

  • Gender Disaggregated Statistics
  • Country Gender Assessment
  • Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB)
  • Gender and Food security/Nutrition
  • Gender and Food Safety
  • Gender and Sustainable Crop Production
  • Gender and Sustainable Livestock Production
  • Gender and management of Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources
  • Gender and Sustainable development of Forest and Tree resources
  • Gender and Land tenure
  • Gender and Natural Resources Management (focusing on land, soil and water resources management)
  • Gender and Agribusiness and Marketing
  • Gender and Rural investment
  • Gender and Climate Change / Disaster Risk Management


  • Relevant experience in one or more of the following core functions:

Core functions:

  • Capacity development
  • Partnership
  • Advocacy and communication
  • Data, information and statistics
  • Normative and standard setting instruments
  • Policy Dialogue
  • Knowledge, Technologies and good practices
  • Field Programme Development and Management
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Gender Audit


  • Familiarization with work, guidelines and manuals of the UN system in general and FAO in particular on the subject.
  • Experience desirable in one or more of the following countries : Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan
  • Demonstrated capacity to work in teams with colleagues and collaborators of different disciplines and national and cultural background,
  • Good verbal and written communication skills

Language and computer skills:

  • Computer and internet literacy,
  • Demonstrated ability to speak and write fluently in English or Russian and limited knowledge of the other language,
  • Russian is preferable.
Contact information

For this position, a duly completed Personal Profile Form (PPF) generated from FAO’s IRecruitment portal is to be submitted together with a cover letter.

Please apply for this VA through IRC 2348 in iRecruitment and also send a copy of your Personal Profile form (PPF) and cover letter to

Kindly note that attached resumes or CVs in place of the PPF will not be accepted.

In order to prepare a Personal Profile Form, you must first register on the FAO iRecruitment site (click on the following link to register):

***As you fill in your information online you should make sure to click Save after each section before logging out. Also be aware that the session times out after 20 minutes of inactivity.

For details, please visit: AND

Supporting Documents IRC2348_Gender_SEC_English.docx (Size: 39 Kb)
Supporting Documents IRC2348_Gender_SEC_Russian version.docx (Size: 44 Kb)
Created Friday, 29 November 2013