Second Periodic Report on the Millennium Development Goals in the Kyrgyz Republic
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Categories: (UN System in Kyrgyzstan | UN Agencies | Publications)
Monday, 16 March 2009
Type of document report

In September of 2000 the highest-level representatives from 191 countries, including Kyrgyzstan, adopted the
Millennium Declaration. By doing so, Kyrgyzstan, like other states, committed itself to eight key obligations:
the Millennium Development Goals. To meet these obligations, Kyrgyzstan strives to radically reduce poverty
and to achieve sustainable human development through access to education and healthcare, gender
equality, reduction of child mortality and improvement of maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS and ensure
environmental sustainability. Kyrgyzstan is now at the mid-point and has about 6 years to reach the targets set
in the Millennium Declaration.

During the 2005 Session of the UN General Assembly, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, His Excellency
Kurmanbek Bakiev, reaffirmed Kyrgyzstan’s commitment to the Millennium Development Goals. The MDGs
have become part of a system of target benchmarks for the country’s long-term development. The monitoring
system of the Country Development Strategy includes a significant number of indicators related to the
evaluation of progress in MDGs achievement.
Kyrgyzstan has achieved significant progress in the implementation of the commitments envisaged in the
Millennium Declaration. There have been significant successes in reducing poverty – extreme poverty, in
particular. The economy is showing steady growth rates. While Kyrgyzstan enjoys economic growth, progress
in delivering the benefits of economic growth to poor people needs to be accelerated. Still, almost half of
children live in poverty (48.5 percent) and more than one child in eight suffers from extreme poverty and
deprivation. Children growing up in poverty are less likely to do well in school, enjoy good health or get a good
job later.

Despite of some achievements, the indicators on infant mortality, under five mortality and maternal mortality
remain unacceptably high. Concerted efforts and programme investment are required to accelerate the desired
mortality decline. It is crucial to take proactive and effective actions advocating on maternal and child health
at all levels, focusing not only on medical causes and consequences, but also reaching out to the whole society
and decision makers to achieve a concrete goal – saving women’s and newborns lives.
Another point to note is that figures alone are sometimes not enough to objectively judge on progress:
qualitative aspects are important factors to ensure a true and comprehensive picture of the situation.

From this perspective, one cannot overestimate the role of the National Millennium Development Goals
Progress Report. The process of preparation has significantly contributed to both the analysis of the current
situation and the decision-making process at the national level. The report contains not only a snapshot of the
current progress and problems, but also suggests policy recommendations and options for achievement of
the Millennium Development Goals. The UN agencies are committed to work closely with the Government of
Kyrgyzstan and Civil Society and continue its support in development of Kyrgyzstan and achievement of the

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