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   The UN Link / The United Nations System in Kyrgyzstan
# 145
October 23, 2001

In this issue:


  • UNDP Social Governance Programme Signed at the Government House


  • WHO and UNICEF conducted the Initial Obstetrics Courses workshop


  • World AIDS Campaign - Jonathan Mann Award in 2001


  • A round-table on the National Action Plan Towards Gender Equality 2001-2006


  • A Training for Trainers conducted in the framework of UNDP Decentralization programme


  • A Coordination Council of micro finance organizations formed


  • The Civil Society Support Center (CSSC) Presentations in Karakol
  • Counterpart Consortium conducted a training for trainers
  • Volunteers' Management Seminar Conducted by InterBilim Center


UNDP Social Governance Programme Signed at the Government House. The Programme has been developed in light with the resolutions of the UN Global Conferences of the 1990-s and has the objective to assist Kyrgyzstan in its efforts to reform public administration via support to democratic processes and a pro-people social and economic growth. The most successful UNDP projects were merged into three programmes:

    1.Political and Administrative Central Governance

    2.Political and Administrative Local Governance (signed 26 September); and

    3.Social Governance

The Social Governance Programme includes a number of important components. This is, first of all, the UNDP-led Poverty Alleviation Programme. This component will be implemented in a close cooperation with the CDF National Poverty Reduction Strategy. Besides, the document contains the components on HIV/AIDS prevention, gender equality, support to social NGOs, as well as a component on advocacy for human development, which preliminary phase will be completed in October. The Social Governance Programme will be headed by National Director, who will appoint Programme Coordinator from agencies reporting to National Director. For administrative, financial and technical issues the Programme Management Unit will be established. Besides, the Policy and Coordination Group will be set up to include all programme partners, including heads of key ministries, donor organizations and other UNDP partners in the country.

As there have been dramatic changes in UNDP worldwide in terms of sustainable activities, the Programme envisages a tough monitoring for all the partners and stakeholders to have timely and accurate information on the progress of programme implementation. The Programme Document was signed by UNDP Resident Representative Ercan Murat and Deputy Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Nikolay Tanayev.

Contact: Ms.Olga Grebennikova, UNDP Public Affairs Officer. Tel.: (996) 312 61 12 13, Email:


WHO and UNICEF conducted the Initial Obstetrics Courses workshop. During many years the WHO European Regional Bureau concentrated the efforts on reduction of rate of maternal deaths and infant mortality rates in Central, Eastern Europe and Asian countries. In order to increase the quality of providing the health care service in the field of mother and child health on the basis of the WHO/EURO recommendations, the Ministry of Health with the technical support of WHO and UNICEF conducted the Initial Obstetrics Courses workshop for the national specialists and the heads of the oblasts health care services on the base of the Human Reproductive Centre, 28 September- 3 October, 2001.

The course was facilitated by Dr. Chalmers, Prof Siupsinskas and Dr. Jeckaite, WHO consultants and experts and focused on modern conception of pregnant women’s care, improving the knowledge and practical skills of child delivering and postnatal period. On 9-11 October the 6th CARINFONET meeting was held in Bishkek at the “Pinara” Hotel under the technical support of WHO and participation of the Ministry of Health. CARINFNET project aims to promote the Central Asian Republic’s abilities to use effectively the medical information for planning, management and monitoring.

This project covers specialists in medical information and the staff of State Statistical Agencies responsible for collection, processing and analysis of information on health. The WHO Information Center on health for CAR in Bishkek is the coordinator of the project. During the period of implementation of the project, national databases were created based on specially developed program packages; specialists involved meet regularly to discuss common problems. Information bulletins on main health indicators are published on a regular basis for all the Central Asian republics, this contributes to a more comprehensive coverage of the situation in the health sector of Central Asian republics. Meetings of partners from CAR take place on an annual basis.

Contact: Ms. Cholpon Asanbaeva, WHO Public Affairs Officer. Tel.: (996) 312 27 87 91, Email:


World AIDS Campaign - Jonathan Mann Award in 2001. Jonathan Mann founded the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Special Programme on HIV/AIDS, which in 1996 was replaced by UNAIDS, the UN Joint Programme on AIDS. From the beginning of the pandemic he recognized an inter-relation between health and human rights and identified both poverty and being a member of a marginalized population as major risk factors. Mann’s premature death in September 1998 deprived the world of an eminent global healthcare leader.

Facing the HIV/AIDS problem means sharing experiences and knowledge, raising awareness and encouraging prevention and behavioral change while providing safe alternatives. Aware of an increasing number of HIV/AIDS cases in the Central Asian Region (CAR), UNESCO, UNAIDS, and UNODCCP Offices in the CAR came together in support of an award to be given to three individuals or institutions making the most significant Information, Education and Communication (IEC) contribution to an issue to related to HIV/AIDS. On 1 December 1999 UNICEF CARK (for Central Asian Region and Kazakhstan) joined in the award for the years 2000 and 2001. The four “Jonathan Mann Awards” for the most significant contribution towards HIV/AIDS prevention and harm reduction in CAR shall be granted on a public ceremony on the World AIDS Day, December 1st. Awards are to be given in each of the following key sectors: Media, NGO, National Programme (government action). Each prize shall consist of a certificate and an award to the value of US$1000 intended to encourage the prizewinning individual or institution to continue working in this area.

In 1999, the National AIDS Center of the Kyrgyz Republic was one of the three nominees received the Award. In 2000, the State Secretary of the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr. Naken Kasiev was awarded. At present, Kyrgyzstan has four candidates to apply for Jonathan Mann Award this year. The candidates work in different areas of HIV/AIDS awareness - among commercial sex workers; homosexuals, prisoners; and the general population.

Contact: Mrs. Larissa Bashmakova, Component Coordinator for HIV/AIDS, UNDP Social Governance PMU , tel./fax: (996 312) 66-36-91, tel.: (996 312) 66 16 17, e-mail:


A round-table on the National Action Plan Towards Gender Equality 2001-2006. The Secretariat under the National Council on Women, Family and Gender Development is organizing a round-table on the National Action Plan Towards Gender Equality 2001-2006 with the purpose to discuss its final draft, receive latest comments and amendments to confirm the document for further adoption by the President. The preliminary date of the round-table is October 19, 2001 and it will be held in the Government House. The Secretariat was founded in February 2001 as an institutional mechanism for implementation of the National Action Plan in Kyrgyzstan. The National Action Plan is an extension of the previous National Programme "Ayalzat" implemented during 1995-2000 and was initially developed during the Preparatory Conference "Women Through Centuries" in April 2001 and further elaborated by the working group consisting of representatives of governmental bodies, international organizations and independent experts from non-governmental sector. The document was presented at the National Conference "Women During Ten Years of Independence" on 23 August 2001 for the general public. It is planned to finalize the paper on the Round table and send it to the President for official adoption.

Contact: Ms. Aikan Mukanbetova, GID Bureau Director. Tel.: (996) 312 66 38 85, Email:


A Training for Trainers conducted in the framework of UNDP Decentralization programme. On October 4-6, 2001 the trainers of Counterpart Consortium conducted 3 days "Training for Trainers" (TOT). The TOT funded by UNDP in the framework of the Decentralization programme was conducted for 19 national volunteers of UNDP in six oblasts of the Kyrgyz Republic. During the three days the participants acquired knowledge and obtained skills on methodology of adult education and design of training plan. The attendees discussed the following issues:

  • 1. Peculiarities and principles of adult education;
  • 2. Skills of adult education: effective hearing, use of questions, work with problematic listeners, facilitation skills;
  • 3. Formulation of goals and objectives of training;
  • 4. Development of training plan


A Coordination Council of micro finance organizations formed. A Coordination Council of micro finance organizations has been formed at a round-table, which took place on October 10 at the office Civil Fund for Micro crediting. The meeting was attended by representatives of all respective organizations, including UNDP Poverty Alleviation Component. The newly formed Coordination Council is aiming to discuss issues related to developing micro finance sector in the Kyrgyz Republic with participation of responsible governmental structures. At this stage, no financing of the Coordination Council is assumed. The Civil Fund will perform duties of its secretariat and start process of transforming the Council into Association of Micro finance Organizations.

Contact: Ms. Aikan Mukanbetova, GID Bureau Director. Tel.: (996) 312 66 38 85, E-mail:


The Civil Society Support Center (CSSC) Presentations in Karakol. On September 9 2001 the Civil Society Support Center (CSSC) in Karakol provided IREX with assistance facilitating a meeting with 25 representatives of NGOs, state and business structures and mass media. The representatives of IREX informed the attendees on the program "2002-2003. FSA Contemporary Issues Fellowship Program" that provided opportunity for specialists and professionals from CIS to conduct research in the USA within 4 months. On October 10, 2001 the CSSC provided Eurasia Fund with organizing a meeting with 16 representatives of Karakol NGOs. The attendees were informed on the grant program, quantity of approved projects, process of consideration and application form. The training was conducted in the framework of the CC "Program of Civil Society and NGO Development in the Central Asia Region", funded by USAID.

Development of Associations Seminar conducted by Counterpart Consortium. On October 11-12, 2001 2-day seminar "Development of Associations" was conducted in the frames of the "Health NGO Capacity Building Initiative Program" of Counterpart Consortium. The trainer on contractual base Nurbek Imakeev facilitated the seminar. 18 representatives of Association of the Hospitals of the Kyrgyz Republic attended the seminar. The goal of the seminar was to provide the participants - leaders of the existing associations and those who wished to establish association with knowledge and skills on establishing, functioning, development and peculiarities of associations. During two days the following issues were examined:

  • Definition, mission, history of development and types of association;
  • Weaknesses, advantages and social importance of association;
  • Administrative and financial management;
  • Services provided by association to its members;
  • Relation within and outside the association.

Volunteers' Management Seminar Conducted by InterBilim Center. On October 11-12 two day seminar "Volunteers' Management" was conducted by the trainers of the Center "InterBilim" for 20 representatives of various NGOs in the office of the Center. The training was conducted in the framework of Civil Society Support Center established in the Center "InterBilim". The goal of the given program was to provide basic knowledge and skills necessary in work with volunteers of non-commercial organizations.

The following issues: definition of "volunteer", motivation and encouragement methods, methods of keeping relations with volunteers in an organization, development of working plan with volunteers were discussed. The training was conducted in the frames of the CC "Program of Civil Society and NGO Development in the Central Asia Region", funded by USAID.

     Millennium Development Goals Progress Report - 2003

     Common Country Assessment - 2003

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