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   The UN Link / The United Nations System in Kyrgyzstan
# 216
March 13, 2004

In this issue:


  • Round Table “Potential of the High School in realization of Millennium Development Goals, Comprehensive Development Framework and National Poverty Reduction Strategy”


  • International Afghanistan Trade Conference in Bishkek will take place from 10-12 of May 2004
  • Round table “Implementation of economic deregulation concept”
  • Forum “Preventive Measures in South of Kyrgyzstan: Policy of Cooperation”


High Schools as the Vanguard of Development.
Round Table dedicated to the Capacity of High Schools in realization of Millennium Development Goals Government recognizes key role of education

On March 11, 2004 the Round Table discussion “Potential of the High School in realization of Millennium Development Goals, Comprehensive Development Framework and National Poverty Reduction Strategy” organized by the CDF Secretariat under the Presidential Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic brought together rectors of all Kyrgyz Universities, leaders of student’s associations, non-governmental and international organizations and mass media. The fact that the event took place at the Presidential Residence in Bishkek suburb was not the only sign for the eminence the government attributes to these issues.

“High Schools shouldn’t be behind the developmental process but lead the process, considering current tendencies of development and future demands of the society. Thus in realization of national development strategies high schools should play key role”, Ms. Ishengul Boljurova, Minister of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic said.

The main goal of the Round table was to discuss the role high school should play in country’s development, involvement of students into the process of MDGs/CDF/NPRS realization, as well as how scientific and practical capacities Universities can be used for successful achievement of those developmental goals prioritized by the country.

“Since 2004 was officially announced as the Year of Social Mobilization and Good Governance, - said Ms. Boljurova, - the exclusive task was put on the system of education in achievement of MDGs/CDF/NPRS goals.

“High schools in Kyrgyzstan have a solid capacity and could actively stimulate developmental processes in the country, said at the meeting Mr. Leonid Komarover, UNDP Policy Advisor. Universities should become intellectual developmental centers, especially in the provinces”.

Mr. Roman Mogilevski, leader of the team of National experts who with support of the UN system in Kyrgyzstan worked out the National MDG Report presented the report to high school decision makers during the Round Table.

As it was discussed during the Round Table, that the activities to raise awareness in Kyrgyz Universities on National development strategies should continue and MDGs/CDF/NPRS should be included into the curriculum of high schools in Kyrgyzstan starting next year. It was also proposed to develop a work plan in order to address those issues discussed during the Round Table.

For additional Information, please contact Narynbek Junushev at the CDF Secretariat under the Presidential Administration. Tel.: (0 996 312) 69-05-00. Email:


Important Announcement:

International Afghanistan Trade Conference in Bishkek will take place from 10-12 of May 2004

It is confirmed that the “Regional Cooperation of Afghanistan: Central Asia, Iran and Pakistan” will take place from 10-12 of May. The issue was discussed during the meeting of UNDP Kyrgyzstan Resident Representative Jerzy Skuratowicz and UNDP Afghanistan Resident Representative Ercan Murat with the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Askar Akaev on March 9 2004.

The main goal of the Conference is to boost regional cooperation between the states of Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran and to brainstorm perspectives for development of transit in the region as well as possibilities for involvement of CA countries in the process of economic rehabilitation in Afghanistan.

It is foreseen that high government from the eight participating countries and UN officials, as well as around 200 participants from the private business sector, international and non-governmental organizations representatives will take part at the conference.

Earlier this month the issue was discussed at the meeting in Tashkent of UNDP Resident Representatives of all Central Asian countries and UNDP Afghanistan.

For additional information, please contact Olga Grebennikova, UNDP Public Relations Officer. Tel.: (0 996 312) 61-12-13. Fax: (0 996 312) 61-12-17. Email: or Ludmila Kim, Executive Secretary for the Conference. Tel. are the same. Email:

Economic deregulation: Reduction of Bureaucracy for more Effective Control

Round table devoted to “Implementation of economic deregulation concept” under support of UNDP and PRAGMA Corporation in Cholponata (Issykkul) on 5th and 6th March 2004

Djoomart Otorbaev, Vice Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, Deputies of Kyrgyz Parliament, government officials and representatives of international organizations, business associations and private sector have participated at the meeting.

Participants have noted that the meeting was particularly important at the qualitatively new stage of Kyrgyz society development, when the state involves business circles into legislative processes to a greater extent in order to build a solid foundation for mutually beneficial cooperation.

Mr. Otorbaev has defined goals and objectives of economy deregulation in his speech and noted that the Concept itself is designed to ensure optimum balance in relationships between private business and the state.

“A framework of governmental intervention in the economy should be specified, redundant bureaucratic regulation should be avoided and all measures to increase effectiveness of governmental bodies should be taken in those fields, where governmental involvement is absolutely necessary”, - Mr. Djoomart Otorbaev said.

“On the one hand, the society, as a whole, should clarify governmental functions and reduce the influence of the state in the decision-making process, on the other hand the state should fulfill remained governmental functions more effectively, including regulative functions”, - said at the meeting Mr. Talaibek Koichumanov, Policy Advisor of UNDP National Governance Program.

Draft of the amendments to the Law of KR “On Licensing” along with a draft of a Law “On procedures of oversight measures to be followed by state bodies, authorized to control and supervise” were presented to participants at the meeting.

Additional information on the meeting is available at UNDP National Governance Program Office. Contact person: Ms. Dinara Rakhmanova, Program Manager. Tel.: (0 996 312) 66 48 31. Email:

Preventive Development Forum in Osh

The Forum “Preventive Measures in South Kyrgyzstan: Policy of Cooperation” took place on 12th March 2004 in Osh, Southern capital of Kyrgyzstan. Initiated by Osh Governor Mr. Naken Kasiev, and held with UNDP support brought together Governors of three Southern provinces of Kyrgyzstan, Mayor of Osh city, heads of local state administrations, representatives of international organizations working in South of the country, and UNDP Tajikistan.

Main goals of the Forum included reviewing of state bodies experience in the area of conflict prevention, lessons learnt by international organizations and elaboration strategies and policy of cooperation among state agencies, international offices and non-governmental sector to support peace and stability in vulnerable region of Ferghana Valley.

“In dealing with conflict prevention it is extremely important to have a partner’s alliance and to use principles of diplomacy and tolerance, - Mr. Naken Kasiev said. People should be patient, realistic and professional in touching such a sensitive issues as interethnic relations, cross-border problems, access to land, and water and other challenges having potential for conflicts in the region.”

“For many ages peoples of Ferghana Valley were living in peace and harmony and Osh played a role of connection link between the East and West on the Great Silk Road, - he said. So we have a good background for securing peace and stability in this region.”

“If there is a threat for conflict we have to speak with sides of the conflict, not only between us. The role of UNDP is creation of infrastructure for partnership in this area, so we’ll expand the ways for cooperation and invite for broad participation in dialogue, - Mr. Jerzy Skuratowicz, UNDP in Kyrgyzstan Resident Representative said at the Forum.

“As Kyrgyz proverb is saying ‘One can be poor or rich – it doesn’t matter. The main thing for us is to live in peace’ – said Satybaldy Chyrmashev, Mayor of Osh City. Peace is a pledge for development and prosperity of the country while any conflict will throw us many years back.”

Osh Governor Naken Kasiev initiated the establishment of the Donor Council of the Osh Province was created during the Forum aimed at coordination of international, state and non-governmental organizations’ activities, concentration of resources and using international aid in accordance with national priorities. It was decided that UNDP will be the Secretariat for the Council.

Note: Since March 2000, UNDP Preventive Development programme was implemented in the Batken province aimed at building capacity and support participatory planning approach in the newly decentralized structure of local self governments in Kyrgyzstan. Crisis prevention perspectives were established with mechanisms to address multi-ethnic social tensions resulting from circumstances such as intensified nation-state building in the Ferghana Valley. The programme was designed as a comprehensive mechanism whereby members of multi-ethnic communities were jointly involved in identifying and addressing needs and concerns in partnership with local authorities to avoid conflict.

UNDP’s initiative aimed at strengthening the capacity of Community Based Organizations (CBO) and local authorities by providing seminars, workshops, and study tours related to topics that would help address potential issues of conflict such as economic stability, interethnic relations, and limited access to resources. The programme also established local and regional early warning information systems used to assess the political, social, ethnic and economic environment in the region that might create conditions for the emergence of conflict. Since the project’s beginning, more than 40 trainings were provided on various aspects of crisis prevention targeting 550 representatives from local governments and members of CBOs. 53 projects were also implemented involving around 165 CBOs and more than 4800 individuals. The response from the pilot phase was such that in 2003 UNDP decided to expand preventive development to all three southern provinces in the country.

For additional information, please contact Mia Rimby, UNDP Programme Officer. Tel.: (0 996 312 61-12-13). Fax: (0 996 312) 61-12-17. Email: You could also get information about the programme if you go to UNDP website: or programme’s site

     Millennium Development Goals Progress Report - 2003

     Common Country Assessment - 2003

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