Address on behalf of the UN System, delivered by Hans Friedrich Schodder, UNHCR Representative in Kyrgyzstan, at the Celebration of the Human Rights Day, National Museum, Bishkek, 10 December 2008.
UN in Kyrgyzstan is launching a Flash Appeal. To download it, please follow the link.
Dear Friends,
October 24 is celebrated every year worldwide by the United Nations and its partners as the ‘UN Day’. On this day, we highlight our joint work towards the improvement of people’s lives. The specific achievements we seek are defined in the mandate of the United Nations itself, and through the goals that the Governments of the world have agreed to work towards. The Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) best exemplify our common objectives: concrete targets to improve people’s lives in a clear timeline. Just as important is HOW we work: partnerships both global and local are the key to effective achievement of sustainable results.
On this 63rd anniversary of our Organization, I join you in celebrating UN Day.
This is a crucial year in the life of our United Nations. We have just passed the midpoint in the struggle to reach the Millennium Development Goals -- our common vision for building a better world in the 21st century. We can see more clearly than ever that the threats of the 21st century spare no one. Climate change, the spread of disease and deadly weapons, and the scourge of terrorism all cross borders. If we want to advance the global common good, we must secure global public goods.
Today, on the International Day of Older Persons, we celebrate rising life expectancy in many regions of the world as one of humanity’s major achievements.
We pay tribute to older persons and the wisdom that comes with a lifetime of experience. And we acknowledge the unprecedented demographic transition that is underway in our world, with the number of persons aged 60 and older rising rapidly.
30 July 2008 more than 30 civil society organizations (CSOs) gathered to discuss the process of implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and its implications on gender equality issues in Kyrgyzstan.
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The women's organizations and other civil society organizations, which joined them, are deeply convinced that aid can only be effective if it aims at improvement of the situation of vulnerable men and women, if it brings sustainable positive changes to their lives, protection of their human rights and contributes to women's empowerment. "The Gender Issues in Implementation of the Paris Declaration in the Kyrgyz Republic" mapping study results conducted by the pilot EC-UN Partnership on Gender Equality for Development and Peace project implemented in the 12 countries of the world, including Kyrgyzstan, has proved this point.
UNIDO is seeking to recruit, at the local level, a highly qualified national of Kyrgyzstan for the position of: Head of UNIDO Operations in Kyrgyzstan, NO-D Within the overall vision of reducing poverty through industrial development, particularly focusing on private sector development as a mechanism to enhance economic growth, the Head of UNIDO Operations will be a Programme Management Specialist in key priority areas in the country working with strategic partners to develop and mobilize resources for the relevant programmes and projects. As part of the strategic alliance with UNDP, the incumbent will work within the operational structure of the UNDP Office providing technical inputs within the areas of competence of UNIDO. Friday, 11 July 2008
Deadline for receipt of applications: 14 July 2008 All applications must be submitted through the Online Recruitment System. For more details on this position, please visit our website: -> Employment
Bishkek – The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic signed today an agreement establishing a regional office for the promotion and protection of human rights in Central Asia.
The Regional Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights will offer support to the governments of Central Asia in implementing their international human rights obligations and promote the incorporation of human rights, including economic, cultural and social rights, in national policies; the office will also cooperate with intergovernmental organizations, civil society, the private sector as well as relevant UN partners to realize human rights through their respective areas of work.
Bishkek, 20 February 2008 – The European Commission (EC), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), and the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC/ILO) are promoting a consultation meeting with key national stakeholders involved in development processes in Un House to discuss gender equality and the shift of the aid architecture toward new, more effective, modalities of development assistance.
5 – 6 November 2007 the UNIFEM CIS Regional Office arranged a visit of Ms. Pramila Patten, Member of the UN Committee on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women to Kyrgyzstan. This visit was arranged upon request of the women’s movement which expressed the need for an enhanced advocacy from the side of UN towards the commitments of the government for implementation of the CEDAW.