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Displacement and Return in Kyrgyzstan Situation Report No.22, 20 July 2010 Send to a friend Print Version
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Wednesday, 21 July 2010
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Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on Reliefweb.int

Date: 20 Jul 2010

This situation report was issued by ROMENACA Sub-regional Office for Central Asia. It covers the period between 16 and 20 July (afternoon) 2010 local time. This is the last issue of the Displacement and Return in Kyrgyzstan Situation Report. A new weekly series "Kyrgyzstan Humanitarian Update" will start on or around 27 July 2010.


- Threats and intimidation continue against civilians, human rights defenders and local media

- Communities start to receive legal assistance for re-issuance of civil documentation

- Transitional shelter programme launched in Jalal-Abad

II. Situation Overview

According to the Ministry of Health, as of 20 July in Osh and Jalal-Abad:
- The official death toll, 335
- 1,080 people were hospitalized (Osh 792, Jalal-Abad 289)
- 2,325 people were injured (Osh 1,659, Jalal-Abad 666)

The security forces in Osh Province have reportedly begun taking measures ahead of the end of the 40-day morning period to prevent destabilisation in the region. Barriers have been established on roads in and out of the city, and all cars and lorries are being carefully examined. The authorities believe this will prevent potential destabilising forces to enter the city. The 40-day morning period will end on 20-21 July. In the meantime, the curfew hours have been reduced by two hours in Osh City and Province as of 20 July. The curfew hours are from 2200 hours to 0500 hours.

The clusters and Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) in Kyrgyzstan have completed the field draft of the revision to the Flash Appeal, which is now being reviewed at the IASC level. The revision reflected revised HCT and cluster strategies based on the needs assessed through cluster and inter-agency assessments conducted in the past few weeks.

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