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» Report of the Secretary-General's High-level Panel
# 206
October 03, 2003

In this issue:


  • UNDP Takes a Lead in the Initiative on Local Governance Law


  • Presentation of the National Report on the Implementation of Principles and Objectives of the International Conference of Population and Development


UNDP Takes a Lead in the Initiative on Local Governance Law

During last two years, national experts in legal, financial and economic issues has actively participated in drafting the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic On Financial and Economic Foundations of Local Governance in accordance with the Action Plan of the UNDP Local Governance Programme.

In early 2002 the Minister of Local Governance and Regional Development together with UNDP Local Governance Programme approached the President with the request to assist in lobbying of the Draft Law. By the Order of the President’s Chief of Staff, the working group was formed in February, and in December 2002, the working group filed the draft for the Government’s consideration.

The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic approved the draft on 15 January 2003 submitted it to the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament) and appointed the Minister of Local Governance and Regional Development and the Minister of Finance as official representatives.

After the discussion at the joint meeting of the Budget and Finance Committee and the Subcommittee of Local Governance of the Legislative Assembly, it was decided to finalize the bill taking into account proposals and suggestions made by parliamentarians.

In April 2003 the UNDP Local Governance Programme jointly with the Minister of the Local Governance and Regional Development came up with the initiative and organized a round table discussion in Cholpon Ata to review the draft. Two important laws of the Kyrgyz Republic - On Financial and Economic Basis of Local Governance and On Municipal Service were reviewed for a smoother adoption of the new Law.

Most proposals and addenda, which were suggested by the round table participants, will give a significant opportunity to work out the Law Drafts On financial and economic basis of local governance and On Municipal Service on a high quality level.

On 27 of June the Draft Law was adopted by the Assembly with slight changes. Recently, the Draft Law was passed to the People’s Representatives Assembly and on 25 of September the President signed it into Law.

UNDP's assistance has contributed to adoption of the Law, which is one more step towards the improvement of the legal basis for financial and economic activities of local self-governance in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Note: The Law On financial and economic basis of local governance regulates financial and economic relations of local village and town governments and inter-budget relations with state administration, juridical organs and citizens, defines the principles of local budgets and implementation, as well as inter-budget relations with higher territorial levels.

This Law will assist in provision of effective management of municipal property, financing of local governance bodies. The implementation of the Law will result in increase of local governments’ budget revenues, synchronize the national and local budgets and improve grant system and inter-budget relations. All of this will result in transparency of local budgets.

For more information please contact Damira Sulpieva, UNDP Local Governance Programme Manager a.i. Phone: (996 312) 66 11 76, 66 52 93. Email:


The Presentation of the National Report of the Kyrgyz Republic on the implementation of principles and objectives of the International Conference of Population and Development (ICPD) was held on 30 September in the UN House (Bishkek).

Mr. Osmonakun Ibraimov, the State Secretary of the Kyrgyz Republic, Chair of the National Commission on Population; Mr. Jerzy Skuratowicz, UN Resident Coordinator and UNFPA Representative in Kyrgyzstan; Mr. Wasim Zaman, UNFPA Country Support Team Director, Mr. Mitalip Mamytov, Minister of Health; Mr. Zarylbek Kudabaev, Chairman of the National Statistics Committee, Ms. Toktokan Boronbaeva, Member of Parliament; Ms. Mira Jangaracheva, National Expert; and Ms. Gulnara Kadyrkulova, Reproductive Health Project Coordinator participated in the presentation.

The ICPD Programme of Action calls to integrate demographic problems into all stages of programme, their implementation, control, assessment, and into a review of all strategies and plans for sustainable development, including those targeted to reduce the poverty level.

At the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo in September 1994, participating countries adopted a Programme of Action for the next 20 years. The Programme targets certain aspects of health care, status of women in society, and social development.

In June – July 1999, the United Nations called a Special Session of the General Assembly to consider preliminary results of the Conference and member countries adopted the ICPD Programme of Action. Participants agreed upon new criteria for determining effectiveness of the progress:

  • Secure the literacy rate for girls and women at the level of 1990 until the year 2005;
  • Provide access to elementary education for 90 percent of boys and girls by the year of 2010;
  • Ensure that primary health care and family planning institutions offer a wide range of services, including family planning, obstetrician care, and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases by the year 2005;
  • Increase professional medical assistance during childbirth by 80 percent, and by 40 percent in families with a high maternity mortality rate;
  • Reduce use of contraceptives by 50 percent by 2005, by 75 percent by 2010, and by 100 percent by the year 2015;
  • Increase access of the youth (age group of 15 to 24 years) to medical information and services by 90 percent until the year 2005; as well as to prevent HIV and active advocacy for use of condoms, voluntary medical examination, and consulting professional caregivers with possibility of subsequent treatment.

The ICPD Programme of Action in Kyrgyzstan envisions a comprehensive solution of the demographic problems that takes into consideration economic, social, and ecological conditions, and respects various ethnic, religious, and cultural values and traditions. This approach corresponds with the democratic reforms in Kyrgyzstan and necessitates advocacy of the ICPD objectives, tasks, and principles. Politicians, members of Parliament, representatives of the executive branch, private sector, NGOs, and the general public participated in this process at the national level. Researchers and scientists suggest that Kyrgyzstan needs to reconsider established notions to solve the population and development issues. This is especially important as the country undergoes a new stage of its state, political, and socio-economic development. Thorough scientific research of the interconnection between the demographic tendencies and socio-economic problems that consider the population as one of the main factors for social development. The population factor should determine the overall development of the economic, social and cultural life of the country.

In light of the upcoming 10th anniversary of the Cairo Conference in 2004, Kyrgyzstan submits this National Report, which provides an overview of the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action during that ten-year period. The report describes activities and progress in achieving the specific objectives of the ICPD Programme of Action, analyzes obstacles, stipulates opportunities, and determines actions for the future. The National Report was prepared by a working group consisting of ministries and agencies heads, approved by the Government Decree as of 7 May 2003, with the participation of independent experts, and with the support of the UNFPA. The report was approved at the training sessions “On Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action at national and local levels within the International Millennium Development Goals”, and at a meeting of the National Commission on Population of the Administration of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

For more information please contact Alexander Ilyin, UNFPA National Programme Officer. Phone: (996 312) 61 12 02, 61 12 13; e-mail:

     Millennium Development Goals Progress Report - 2003

     Common Country Assessment - 2003

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