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National polio immunization campaign launched in Kyrgyzstan Отправить другу Версия для печати

Bishkek (21 July 2010) -- The first of two rounds of national immunization days (NIDs) against poliomyelitis (polio) in Kyrgyzstan were launched on Monday, 19 July. The launch ceremony was held in an outpatient clinic in the capital, Bishkek, with the participation of Dr Sabirjan Abdikarimov, the acting Minister of Health of Kyrgyzstan, and representatives of WHO and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

Kyrgyzstan has reported over 90% coverage with three doses of oral polio vaccine

Kyrgyzstan: Inter-Agency Health and Nutrition Initial Rapid Assessment, Southern Kyrgyzstan - Jalal Abad and Osh Oblasts, June 29 - July 3, 2010 Отправить другу Версия для печати

Executive summary

i. Kyrgyzstan has experienced escalating violence since the previous government was overthrown on April 7 and an interim government took power. Subsequently, violent clashes took place in Osh and Jalal-Abad Oblasts (province) throughout April and May and fighting reached its highest intensity from June 10-14 during which shooting, killing, looting, and property destruction were widespread in cities as well as in rural areas leading to mass population displacements. After four

ВОЗ передал ортопедические принадлежности в Бишкекский Центр травматологии Отправить другу Версия для печати

Бишкек, Кыргызстан (8 июля 2010)   Республиканский научно-исследовательский центр травматологии и ортопедии в Бишкеке получил в качестве гуманитарной помощи ортопедические принадлежности швейцарского производства от Всемирной Организации Здравоохранения.

Ортопедические принадлежности общей стоимостью 140.000 долларов США были предоставлены ВОЗ и переданы Центру страновым офисом ВОЗ в Кыргызстане 8 июля 2010. Данные принадлежности будут использованы для реконструктивного лечения 30 пациентов из

Health care a priority for thousands affected by Kyrgyzstan violence Отправить другу Версия для печати

Copenhagen/Geneva, (22 June, 2010) --  The World Health Organization is coordinating the international health response to the humanitarian crises in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, where delivering health care to thousands of displaced people remains a major challenge.

At least 300 000 people, mainly ethnic Uzbeks, have reportedly been displaced in Kyrgyzstan since conflict erupted in the south of the country on 10 June. At least 75 000 more people have fled the violence into Uzbekistan where they

WHO responds to importation of polio virus into the WHO European Region Отправить другу Версия для печати

Copenhagen (23 April 2010) -- On 16 April 2010, WHO deployed a team of experts to investigate a suspected polio outbreak in the south-west of Tajikistan, in the area bordering Afghanistan and Uzbekistan.

A sharp increase of acute flaccid paralysis cases (AFP) in early April prompted the Tajik government to notify WHO of a possible polio outbreak. After further investigation by the Tajik national health authorities jointly with WHO, laboratory tests by the WHO Collaborating Centre in Moscow

ВОЗ оказывает помощь в обеспечении граждан Кыргызстана неотложной медицинской помощью Отправить другу Версия для печати

Бишкек (12 Апреля 2010 г.) -- В результате беспорядков, имевших место в Кыргызстане на прошлой неделе, погибли 70 человек, более 1500 человек получили ранения или травмы и свыше 500 человек госпитализированы. Реагируя на сложившуюся ситуацию, ЕРБ ВОЗ приступило к поставке в соответствующие медицинские учреждения тех стандартных наборов лекарств и изделий медицинского назначения, которые были ранее размещены в столице страны Бишкеке. Вместе с неправительственными организациями ВОЗ координирует

Maternal mortality ratio falling too slowly to meet goal Отправить другу Версия для печати
LONDON/GENEVA -- The world’s maternal mortality ratio (the number of maternal deaths per 100 000 live births) is declining too slowly to meet Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5, which aims to reduce the number of women who die in pregnancy and childbirth by three-quarters by 2015.
New guide on building age-friendly cities Отправить другу Версия для печати

LONDON/GENEVA -- WHO today releases the first guide on age-friendly cities. The guide, which is based on consultations with older people in 33 cities in 22 countries, has identified the key hysical, social and services attributes of age-friendly urban settings. Istanbul, London, Melbourne, Mexico City, Moscow, Nairobi, New Delhi, New York, Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai, and Tokyo were part of the consultation along with many other regional centres and towns.


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un.org.kg, 2008

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