News / Releases - UNDP

UNDP in the Kyrgyz Republic expresses its deep concern over recent developments in the country

The current unrest in the South of Kyrgyzstan poses great risks for many people to slide into the poverty trap and spiral of conflict

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (June 16, 2010) – UNDP Kyrgyzstan is concerned about casualties of the violence in the South of the republic and joins the statement made by the entire UN Country Team in Kyrgyzstan.   UNDP is receiving dismal reports on the current developments and urges both the Interim Government and all parties of the conflict to take all possible steps to ensure that violence doesn’t spread to other parts of the country.  The conflict poses especially great risk for vulnerable populations with limited resources.  UNDP works to help people of Kyrgyzstan solve the most urgent tasks of the day through public works initiative and elections related matters aimed at stabilization of the country.

ГЭФ презентует новые проекты для решения экологических проблем в Кыргызстане

Бишкек, Кыргызстан (1 апреля 2010 г.) –  2 апреля в отеле «Парк Отель» состоится семинар «Глобальный Экологический Фонд в решении экологических проблем Кыргызстана». Семинар пройдет при поддержке  Государственного агентства по охране окружающей среды и лесного хозяйства при Правительстве КР (ГАООСиЛХ)  и ПРООН.  Основной целью семинара является обсуждение вопросов партнерства всех заинтересованных сторон, а также подведения итогов цикла ГЭФ-4 (2006-2010 гг.), и перспективы новых проектов ГЭФ-5 со всеми исполнительными агентствами ГЭФ в Кыргызстане.  В ходе семинара будут представлены 11 проектов ГЭФ, реализуемых в Кыргызстане.   

GEF/UNDP Project to Transfer Special Equipment for Conservation of Fish Stock in Issyk-Kul Lake

Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan (March 18, 2010) – In the framework of the UN International Year of Biodiversity and implementation of temporary Moratorium adopted by Presidential Decree #7 as of 10 January, 2008, GEF/UNDP Project “Strengthening policy and regulatory framework for mainstreaming biodiversity into fishery sector” will hold a handover ceremony of special equipment transfer worth $100 000 in the Issyk-Kul  Administration of Environment Protection and Forestry building. For the first time ever the staff of the local Administration of Environment Protection and Forestry will get for their disposal motorboats, mobile fish hatcheries, trailers for boats, work clothes, binoculars with digital camera, night vision equipment and etc. The equipment will be transferred for the capacity building of the State Ecological Inspection Service and conservation of Issyk-Kul Lake biodiversity.  

UNDP – Kyrgyzstan Strategic Partnership Meeting

In 2010 UNDP Kyrgyzstan is set to strengthen its partnership with the national partners to accelerate Kyrgyzstan’s progress toward the Millennium Development Goals.

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (January 22, 2010) – Today UNDP Kyrgyzstan is hosted a major meeting with its national partners in Jannat Hotel, Bishkek.  The meeting was attended by Representatives of the President’s Institute, key ministers, the Speaker of the Kyrgyz Parliament, and all UNDP national programme directors.  The event aimed to strengthen the traditionally strong partnerships between the UNDP and the Kyrgyz Government in their work together towards development results in Kyrgyzstan.

Конкурс на разработку логотипов ЦРТ



Программа ПРООН по сокращению бедности объявляет конкурс среди дизайнеров, дизайн-студий, художников и всех желающих


We want to be heard

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (December 28, 2009) – The Youth Fall Conference took place in professional lyceum #91 on December 5, 2009 within the UNDP “Vocational Education for Street Children Project in the Kyrgyz Republic”.  More than 50 students from pilot lyceums in Sokuluk rayon of Chui oblast were given an opportunity share with their experience of child participation at the conference.

During the conference, the participants also obtained information on main Project outcomes.  Different trainings on healthy life style issues, safe live activity as well as legal issues were arranged for children within the Project implementation period.  Also they obtained leadership and presentation skills resulting in a free expression of their opinion.  Kids were also able to disseminate the knowledge obtained among the students of their lyceums.  Sports activities, jointly conducted with the UNDP Project, impart health life style issues to children as well as developed a team spirit.   

We are for prosperous Naryn!

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (December14, 2009) – UNDP Poverty Reduction Programme has launched “Localization of the Millennium Development Goals in Naryn oblast” Project.  This is the first project aimed at adapting eight development goals at oblast, rayon, aiyl okrug and village levels, that are designed to address extreme poverty reduction, achievement of universal primary education, promotion of gender equality and women empowerment, child mortality reduction, combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, ensure environmental sustainability and develop global partnership.  These goals have its indicators on global and country levels.   

Presentation of Environment Programme and GEF Projects Results

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (December 14, 2009) – UNDP Environment Program and GEF/UNDP Projects “Strengthening Policy and Regulatory Framework for Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Fishery Sector”, “Capacity  Building for Improved National Financing of Global  Environmental Management in Kyrgyzstan”, “Demonstrating Sustainable Mountain Pasture Management in the Suusamyr Valley”, “Capacity Building for Implementation of Sustainable Waste Management principles in the Kyrgyz Republic” “Assessment of Radioactive Waste Management Capabilities in the Kyrgyz Republic in Transboundary Context” presented the results of their activities for the last year at the Board Meeting of the Kyrgyz Republic State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry.  

Greenhouse in the South

Osh, Kyrgyzstan (December, 2009) – An expert on business chain analysis has conducted a research on feasibility of establishing greenhouse business in Uzgen and Kara-Suu rayons of Osh oblast within the ADB-UNDP Project “Rural women empowerment in Central Asia”.  

This research revealed investment opportunity for this kind of activity.  For this reason, women of Baigonchok village together with Toktokan Malaeva, members of “Jyldyz” Self-Help Group Association of UNDP Poverty Reduction Programme, saw their interest in growing vegetables in greenhouses.  For example, the cost of vegetables in Kyrgyzstan within winter period increases by almost ten times.  If the entrepreneurs manage to arrange this type of business, they will be able to provide the consumer market of Uzgen, as well as Osh in future, with fresh vegetables within winter period.   

Statement by Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, on the occasion of World AIDS Day

The international community observes World AIDS Day each year on December 1st.  On this day we focus this year on the need for effective HIV/AIDS prevention, care, treatment, and support.

Data released by UNAIDS this week in its 2009 AIDS Epidemic Update suggests that new HIV infections around the world have been reduced by seventeen per cent since the 2001 signature of the United Nations Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS. 

 Over the past five years, there have also been significant successes in increasing access to life saving treatment, with over four million people in developing countries now accessing necessary medication and approximately 2.9 million lives already saved.


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