June 23, 2010 as a part of the UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL OPEN DAY FOR WOMEN AND PEACE the national consultative meeting of women's civil society organizations took place in Bishkek.
UN Security Council resolution 1325 was adopted in 2000 to enhance responsibility of national and international parties directed to women and children security, issues on violation of women rights in conflicts.
This year the 10th anniversary of UN Security Council resolution 1325 (resolution on peace and development) is being celebrated all over the world. Women and girls hardly ever fight the world's wars, but they often suffer the most. Increasingly, they are the direct targets of fighting, when sexual violence is deliberately used as a tactic of warfare. And yet, fewer than 10 percent of the people who negotiate peace deals are women, and only about three dozen individuals have been convicted and jailed by international war crimes tribunals for committing or commanding widespread sexual violence.
Bishkek (8 June 2010) -- Concluding Art Workshop organized under the UN Secretary General Campaign “Unite to End Violence against Women” was held on June 8, 2010 in the Fine Arts Museum. Representatives of the creative elite of Kyrgyzstan, including famous designers and couturiers, TV presenters, artists and poets, took part in the event.
The goal of art workshops, which the UN was organizing during the last four months was to generate awareness of the Government, civil society, youth and women networks, private sector and mass media about the issue of violence against women and girls and to fundraise for the crisis centers of Kyrgyzstan, which provide services to women and girls victims of violence. More than 200 representatives of the public organizations, champions of Olympic Games and other international competitions, business, international and non-governmental organizations, famous artists, soloists of the Opera and Ballet Theater and others have already took part in a series of UNiTE art workshops.
This time Dilbar Ashimbaeva, a fashion designer, Assol Moldokmatova, TV presenter, Alexei Kamenskyi, people’s artist, Ramis Ryskulov, as well as managers of 13 crisis centers of the Kyrgyz Republic came to join to the Campaign and say NO to violence against women in Kyrgyzstan.
Bishkek (7 June 2010) -- The Alliance of Women's Legislative Initiatives organized in Bishkek a National Conference on "Women's Political Participation in the Constitutional Reform and Parliamentary Elections" to develop a common position of the civil society organizations on women's participation in key political reforms and processes.
More than 130 women's activists, leaders of the political parties, human rights organizations, representatives of provisional Central Elections Committee, NGOs, mass media, youth organizations as well as the representatives of the Provisional government – Roza Otunbaeva, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic of the Transition Period, and Omurbek Tekebaev, a member of the Provisional Government and the Chairperson of the Constitutional Assembly of the Kyrgyz Republic took part in the Conference.
Bishkek (7 June 2010) -- Monday, 7 June Roza Otunbaeva, President of the Kyrgyz Republic for the Transition Period signed up for the UN Secretary General's Campaign “UNiTE to End Violence against Women” reaffirming the commitment to make ending violence against women and girls a top priority at the state level.
A global campaign “Unite to End Violence against Women” has been initiated in 2008 by the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon. This initiative calls for nations to put in place strong laws, action plans, preventative measures, data collection and systematic measures to address sexual violence in conflict situations.
In Kyrgyzstan, the UNiTE Campaign was officially launched by the UN Gender Theme Group in March 2010. Since then, information and awareness raising initiatives targeting youth, men and vulnerable women have been conducted in all parts of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Это дает им возможность получить хороший урожай картофеля и повысить благосостояние 170 семей.
В селе Кок-Сай айыльного округа им. Мамбетова Тонского района Иссык-Кульской области идет реализация микропроекта «Создание семенного фонда». Данный проект финансируется за счет грантовых средств ЮНИФЕМ в рамках Программы «Права женщин на землю».
Созданием семенного фонда занимаются две группы взаимопомощи - «Ишеним» и «Узур», состоящие из 15 человек, включая 10 женщин. Группы имеют опыт совместной работы, положительную кредитную историю, а также располагаются в одном регионе.
На грантовые средства в сумме 397,9 тыс. сомов (около 9200 долларов США) женщины закупили 8 тонн элитных семян картофеля, а также ГСМ, химикаты и удобрения. Для этих целей айыл окмоту выделил 2 га земли без арендной платы из фонда перераспределения земель сельскохозяйственного назначения.
On May 4, 2010 a meeting of the employees of United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and Kumtor Operating Company with the representatives of district state administration, heads of village councils and members of local keneshes was held in Ton District, Issyk-Kul Province. Goals and objectives of a new pilot project “Enhancement of Efficiency of Village Development Programs Aimed at Improvement of Lives of Rural Habitants of Ton District, Issyk-Kul Province” were introduced to the meeting participants.
In the beginning of March this year an agreement was executed pursuant to which UNIFEM under financial support of Kumtor Operating Company shall allocate 130,000.00 US Dollars of implementation of grant projects in the poorest region of Issyk-Kul Province, i.e. Ton Region.
The second art workshop was held on May 4, 2010 in Koldo Art Gallery. Representatives of artistic and sports elite of Kyrgyzstan, including famous artists, opera soloists, legendary sportsmen and others took part in the event. Art workshops are organized by UN Gender Thematic Group under the informational campaign “Kyrgyzstan, Time to Act!” launched in the beginning of March of this year under the UN Secretary General Campaign “Unite to End Violence Against Women”.
The aim of art workshops is to draw attention and consolidate efforts of representatives of various sectors of the society, i.e. civil society, private sector, sport, business and mass media for joint combating violence against women in Kyrgyzstan.
This time the following individuals took part in the art workshop: Talgar Jakshylykov, soloist of the Opera Theater, Kanybek Osmonaliev, champion of Olympic Games and world and European champion in weight-lifting, Ishim Kutmanaliev, former President of the National Olympic Committee, as well as legends of Kyrgyz football Majit Kozhanov, Yusup Musaev and Almaz Chokmorov, famous artists: Nurdamir Kongurbaev, Talant Ogobaev, Bolotbek Karakeev, Kadyr Bekov and over thirty other representatives of artistic and sports elite, who demonstrated artistic skills and fantasy and created original works.
Bishkek (30 April 2010) -- Being concerned with the current political situation in the country, which is accompanied, inter alia, by weakening of state policies and strategies in implementing gender equality, and by strengthening of discrimination based on gender, age, ethnic and other grounds, women activists organized National Forum of Women's Movement “For Equal Opportunities!”
During the Forum activists of women's movement analyzed gender aspects of the current situation and changes therein for women and men, as well as develop joint strategies for solution of the most acute problems.
Бишкек, Кыргызстан (23 апреля 2010 года) – ЮНИФЕМ (Фонд ООН для развития в интересах женщин) и ФАО (Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная программа ООН) приступают к реализации совместного проекта по оказанию сельскохозяйственной помощи наиболее уязвимым семьям, возглавляемым женщинами. Данный проект реализуется в рамках Единой программы ООН, осуществляемой в Кыргызстане с марта текущего года в целях снижения влияния глобального экономического, энергетического и продовольственного кризиса на самые уязвимые слои населения.
Bishkek - On April 5, 2010 Kumtor Operating Company and the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) signed an agreement on a pilot project «Enhancement of Efficiency of Village Development Programs Aimed at Improvement of Lives of Rural Habitants of Ton District, Issyk-Kul Province”
The significance of this event lies in the fact that a private investor like Kumtor Operating Company for the first time in history of Kyrgyzstan provides financial support to social projects through international development agency as UNIFEM.
The aim of the project is to improve the livelihoods of rural people, especially women, in Ton district of Issyk-kul province through enhancing their access to essential social and economic infrastructure assets