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Reforms in UN
MDG Monitor
Reforms in UN
Wednesday, 24 October 2007


The pace of today's globalized world means that change is a constant, and this is no different for the United Nations. The demands by Member States of the UN and its Secretariat, agencies, funds and programmes have grown enormously. The UN is expected to deliver more services in more places than ever before to the world's people who are most in need.

Just in the last nine years, the number of civilian and soldiers deployed on peacekeeping missions has increased from 20,000 to 80,000, and the overall financial resources managed by the Secretariat have also doubled in this period to $18 billion. The number of humanitarian and human rights operations have also dramatically increased.

Such a volume of highly operational activity places a greater premium on the ability of the organization to discharge the increased and more complex mandates it is given, and to manage the funds entrusted to it, in an accountable and ethical manner. In the meantime, these demands and expectations have strained the Organization's existing structures and systems.

Link: http://www.un.org/reform/





Although Kyrgyzstan is not a "One UN pilot" the UNCT has achieved substantial progress in bringing UN reform into practice both operationally and substantively. There is organizational commitment and personal involvement of the Heads of Agencies represented in the UNCT to UN Reform in general and, in particular, to making reforms a success at country level. The cumulative experience is real, and there are clear indicators of success briefly summarized below.

UN House and Common services

The UN House holds UNDP, UNV, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNAIDS, UNHOCHR Agencies and DSS. It proved to be advantageous for agencies' visibility and their perception at "ONE UN", as well as for UN staff security. WHO will move into the UN house soon. There is an effective Operations Team, currently chaired by UNDP (the chair rotates) that is composed of all agencies in the UN House. This Team directly manages all common services. Significant savings and operational efficiencies are documented in the RC Annual Reports, linked to the implementation of common contracting in areas of security, travel service, banking, shipping, courier and Internet. These common services are subject to regular evaluation by users to ensure and sustain the best quality services. A Security Management Team has also been formed including not only all United Nations Agencies but also the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. 

