National Forum of Women's Movement "For Equal Rights and Opportunities!" organized in Bishkek |
Bishkek (30 April 2010) -- Being concerned with the current political situation in the country, which is accompanied, inter alia, by weakening of state policies and strategies in implementing gender equality, and by strengthening of discrimination based on gender, age, ethnic and other grounds, women activists organized National Forum of Women's Movement “For Equal Opportunities!”
During the Forum activists of women's movement analyzed gender aspects of the current situation and changes therein for women and men, as well as develop joint strategies for solution of the most acute problems. Joint Platform of Actions of Women's Movement became the key outcome of the Forum. The Platform of Actions particular includes:
The largest in the country network organization, Women Legislative Initiatives Alliance acted as the initiator of the Forum. The major goal of the Alliance is to increase influence of women in decision-making area via legislative initiatives’ lobbying, improved interaction among state authorities, local authorities and the civil society for efficient implementation of the national gender policy. The Forum was supported by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and EU/Soros Foundation Kyrgyzstan Project on Development of Mechanisms and Ensuring Social and Legal Protection of Women Against Violence For more detailed information please contact AWLI Secretariat at 69-40-62/63 or via email: |