WFP has distributed food to thousands of people affected by the humanitarian crisis in Kyrgyzstan and is calling on all sides to allow the delivery of food and medical supplies.
BISHKEK (18 June 2010) – WFP has distributed a two-week ration of food to a group of 13,000 people in the southern city of Osh, the second largest city in Kyrgyzstan and epicentre of the fighting which broke out last week. With the help of local partners, WFP gave out 100 metric tons of wheat flour and three metric tons of oil to people trapped in their neighbourhoods by the violence.
“This crisis is unfolding rapidly and WFP is mobilizing its global expertise to ensure that the vulnerable – particularly women and children – do not suffer,” said WFP’s Executive Director Josette Sheeran. “We implore all sides to ensure humanitarian access to the vulnerable, trapped by the crisis,” she said.
WFP has launched an emergency operation to feed people affected by the humanitarian crisis in Kyrgyzstan, while calling on all sides to allow the delivery of food and medical supplies, particularly to the embattled city of Osh near the border with Uzbekistan.
BISHKEK (16 June 2010) – WFP has launched an emergency operation to feed people affected by the humanitarian crisis in Kyrgyzstan, while calling on all sides to allow the delivery of food and medical supplies, particularly to the embattled city of Osh, the second largest city in the country.
BISHKEK (15 June 2010) – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has launched an emergency operation to provide logistics and feed civilians caught in the humanitarian crisis in Kyrgyzstan, while calling on all sides to allow the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian supplies, particularly in the country’s second city, Osh.
“This crisis is unfolding rapidly and WFP is mobilizing its global expertise to ensure that the vulnerable -- particularly women and children -- do not suffer,” said WFP’s Executive Director Josette Sheeran. “We implore all sides to ensure humanitarian access to the vulnerable, trapped by the crisis,” she said.
WFP has begun working with local authorities to distribute food in Osh, where shops are reported to be running out of supplies and people have arrived at a WFP warehouse asking for food.
BISHKEK (24 March 2010) -- The Bakashov family is still reeling from the 2008 financial crisis which left legions of expat workers from poor countries without jobs, putting them and their families on the knife-edge of hunger. WFP food assistance was the only thing that allowed the Bakashovs to get through this winter.
Talant Bakashov came home to his wife and three children in Kyrgyzstan in 2009, sharply divided between his happiness at being with his family again and despair over how they were going to keep their household afloat.
ROME (18 March 2010) - The innovative school meals projects being run by the Russian government in a town north of Moscow will be the model for new WFP-coordinated programmes in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
During her recent visit to Russia, WFP Executive Director Josette Sheeran travelled to the historic town of Yaroslavl, 250 km northeast of Moscow, to see the school meals programmes being run by the government there. The projects have been designed with an eye to promoting sustainability and building links with local agriculture.
РИМ – По мере того, как число голодающих в мире бьет все прежние рекорды Всемирная Продовольственная Программа ООН (ВПП ООН) призывает сегодня весь мир вспомнить о более чем одном миллиарде голодающих людей, не имеющих соответствующего доступа к продовольствию.
“В этом году для каждого шестого человека на нашей планете День продовольствия на самом деле является «Днем без продовольствия»», сказала Жозетт Ширан, Исполнительный Директор Всемирной Продовольственной Программы ООН. «Давайте вспомним о более чем одном миллиарде людей, не имеющих доступа к полноценному питанию. Мы могли бы изменить ситуацию, поставив перед собой задачу - вернуть «Дню продовольствия» его прежнее значение для сотен миллионов людей, на чьем обеденном столе сегодня нет еды,