News / Releases - UNICEF

ЮНИСЕФ выражает озабоченность в связи с растущим количеством детей в государственных учреждениях Центральной Азии: И призывает Правительства региона больше инвестировать в развитие эффективных услуг по поддержке детей и семей, находящихся в ситуации риска

Женева, 8 мая 2009 года – Эксперты ЮНИСЕФ выражают обеспокоенность тем, что в связи с глобальным экономическим кризисом больше детей в Центральной Азии могут оказаться в государственных учреждениях, либо быть брошенными в родильных домах.

Региональный Директор ЮНИСЕФ по странам Центральной, Восточной Европы и СНГ господин Стивен Аллен сказал: «Слишком много детей попадают в детские учреждения в то время, как приоритетными должны стать эффективные и относительно недорогие стратегии поддержки биологических семей, предотвращающие разлуку ребенка с семьей».

«В некоторых странах большое количество новорожденных детей оставляют в родильных домах лишь потому, что родители не готовы заботиться о них, либо в обществе их осуждают за то, что они чересчур молоды, или не состоят в официальном браке. Важно, чтобы Правительства инвестировали в развитие социальных услуг по поддержке семьи, особенно во времена экономических кризисов. Если и когда ребенок не может оставаться в биологической семье, необходимо развивать систему альтернативного ухода – фостерных, либо приемных семей».

Road towards MDG 4 and 5 discussed in Bishkek on April 29th

(Бишкек 27 апреля 2009 года). «Для процветания страны и ее неуклонного развития особое значение имеет здоровье женщин и детей, составляющих привилегированную часть любого общества», - говорится в отчете Зульфикара Бутты, профессора Университета Ага Хана и одного из ведущих в мире специалистов по выживанию детей.

Выводы и заключения отчета обсуждались во время дискуссии за Круглым Столом "Материнская и младенческая смертность: анализ ситуации и рекомендаций по их снижению и достижению ЦРТ (4 и 5 цели) в Кыргызской Республике" 27 апреля 2009 года.

May 2007, Meena Arrives to Kyrgyzstan

With support from UNICEF, the Kyrgyz National Broadcasting Company is going to launch an educational cartoon series featuring nine-year-old Meena. The series looks at discrimination against girls and women and offers positive insights from which families and communities can learn. The cartoons, now available in Russian and Kyrgyz, were developed as part of the Meena Communication Initiative - a major human rights intervention campaign in South Asia that began in 1991 with support from UNICEF in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Nepal.  Its main intention is to transform the severely disadvantaged situation of girls and young women in many parts of Asia.

Placing children at the heart of society, every day of the year
June 2007, Australia National Committee for UNICEF contributes US$100,000

The work UNICEF in Kyrgyzstan to reform the juvenile justice system has received a welcome boost through financial support of US$100,000 from the Australia UNICEF National Committee.

UNICEF is striving to guide juvenile justice reform to ensure compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Kyrgyz Code of Children and other international standards. These emphasize that the best interests of the child should prevail at all times and that custodial sentences should be seen as a measure of last resort.

June 2007, Enriching flour – enriching lives, enriching Kyrgyzstan!

In Kyrgyzstan, every second child and very second woman suffers from anaemia which causes over a thousand deaths every year. Poor health and low productivity caused by micronutrient and vitamin deficiencies costs the country’s economy an estimated 55 million US dollars annually.

BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan, 28 June 2007 - To tackle a high prevalence of anaemia in Kyrgyzstan, a bill “on enriching baking flour” was prepared and presented at Kyrgyzstan’s Parliament Jogorku Kenesh on 26 June 2007. The bill comes after ten years of research and study into the best way to solve the problem nutrient deficiency in the country.

July 2007, Making Statistics Interesting, Colourful, Attractive, and Useful

The National Statistics Committee of Kyrgyzstan is organizing a three-day workshop for its specialists on how to make “dry” statistical data interesting, colourful, attractive, and useful on 13-16 August, 2007, with assistance from UNICEF. Twenty seven workshop participants will learn to use DevInfo software.

September 2007, The Government and Media are Together to Face and Fight

Bishkek, 25 September 2007 – UNICEF in collaboration with the Kyrgyz Government organizes a symposium where top government spokespersons in Kyrgyzstan will walk through crisis communication preparations for Pandemic Influenza, thanks to a generous contribution from the Government of Japan.

Kyrgyzstan is one of the six countries of the CEE/CIS region which will carry out this training in 2007 following the successful results of the series of six workshops benefiting eight countries last year. High-level officials will discuss priority principles of communication in health emergencies and the need to build trust, avoid panic and empower individuals to take appropriate action to minimize the effects of the pandemic and save lives.

October 2007, Mother and Child Health

Kyrgyzstan continues to lose 44 children out of 1000 live births before they reach their 5th birthday according to UNICEF supported research in 2006 (MICS-III). The country stands a zero percent of chance of reducing it’s child mortality rate by half by 2015 (Millennium Development Goals Four and Five), warns the latest edition of The Lancet.

The alarming situation prompted the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic to make mother and child health, along with the prevention of the spread of HIV, a priority topic at the recent biannual Health Summit, which took place on October 11, 2007, in the Healthcare Development Centre in Bishkek. UNICEF and DFID were invited to facilitate the technical review process. 

September 2007, Local Leaders and UNICEF Commit to Improve

Batken Oblast, Kyrgyz Republic

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Kyrgyzstan and Batken local authorities will launch a new programme committing more than $200,000 USD to ensure the rights children in Batken to early childhood development, education and social protection.


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