Head of the Agency
Name: Ms. Dinara Rakhmanova
Job title: Assistant FAO Representative (Programme)
E-mail: [email protected]
Global website: www.fao.org
Agency's local website: http://www.fao.org/countryprofiles/index.asp?lang=en&ISO3=KGZ
Head of the Agency
Name: Mr. Bolotbek Orokov
Job title: ILO National Coordinator in Kyrgyzstan
Global Website: www.ilo.org
Agency's local website: www.ilo.ru
Head of the Agency
Name: Mr. Jonathan Veitch
Job title: Representative
Global website: www.unicef.org/
Agency's local website: www.unicef.org/kyrgyzstan/
Head of the Agency
Name: Mr. Neal Walker
Title: UNDP Resident Representative
Global website: www.undp.org
Agency's local website: www.undp.kg
Head of the Agency
Name: Mr. Sergey Lazarev
Title: Director
Global website: www.unesco.org
Agency's local website: UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office
Head of the Agency
Name: Mr. Hans Friedrich Schodder
Job title: Representative
Global Website: www.unhcr.org
Agency’s Local website: UNHCR in Kyrgyzstan
Head of the Agency
Name: Mr. Marat Usupov
Job title: Head of UNIDO Operations in Kyrgyzstan
Global website: www.unido.org
Agency's local website: UNIDO in the Kyrgyz Republic
Head of the Agency
Name: Ms. Damira Bibosunova
Job title: UNAIDS Country Officer
Global Website: www.unaids.org
Agency’s Local website: www.unaids.kg
Head of the Agency
Name: Ms. Fiona Frazer
Job title: Officer-in-Charge
Global website: www.ohchr.org
Agency's local website: n/a
Head of the Agency
Name: Ms. Vera Tkachenko Job title: Head of Office
Global Website: www.unodc.org
Agency’s Local website: UNODC regional office for Central Asia
Head of the Agency
Name: Mr. Nikolai Botev
Job title: Director of Sub Regional Office for Central Asia
E-mail: n/a
Global Website: www.unfpa.org
Agency’s Local website: UNFPA in Kyrgyzstan
Head of the Agency
Name: Ms. Raissa Muhutdinova
Job Title: UNV Programme Officer
E-mail: [email protected]
Global website: www.unv.org
Agency's local website: www.unv.org.kg
Head of the Agency
Name: Ms. Damira Sartbaeva
Job title: Regional Programme Director, UNIFEM CIS
Global website: www.unifem.org
Local Agency's website: www.unifemcis.org
Head of the Agency
Name: Mr. Rasmus Egendal
Job title: Deputy Country Director
E-mail: [email protected]
Global website: www.wfp.org
Agency's local website: WFP in the Kyrgyz Republic
Head of the Agency
Name: Mr. Oskon Moldokulov
Job title: Head of the Organization
E-mail: [email protected]
Global Website: www.who.int
Agency’s Local website: Euro WHO Country Information Kyrgyzstan