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Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Отправить другу Версия для печати
Expire date Пятница, 25 Апрель 2014
Contract type SC-8
Agency UNODC
Duration 1 year with possible extension
Place Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Contact information

Detailed information on job responsibilities and P.11 form are available at the end of the announcement.
 Interested candidates should submit cover letter, reference letters and filled P.11 form in English with indication of the position not later than 17.00, 25 April 2014 to e-mail: or in sealed envelope with note “Monitoring and Evaluation Officer” to address: 31-2, Razzakov str., Bishkek

Applications without Р.11 form would not be considered.

Most suitable candidates will be invited to interview.
Supporting Documents TOR_UNODC_Monitoring and Evaluation Officer_11.04.2014.pdf (Размер: 122 Kb)
Дата Пятница, 11 Апрель 2014


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