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National Consultant on monitoring and reporting on CAAW FGE grant and UNiTE campaign implementation on the south Отправить другу Версия для печати
Expire date Вторник, 08 Июль 2014
Contract type Special Service Agreement (SSA)
Agency UN Women in KR
Duration Up to 110 fee days over 5 months at approx. 20 fee days/month
Place Osh
Terms of Reference

For detailed information on the application process please visit the UN Kyrgyz Republic webpage under Announcements/Vacancies and/or Procurements.  Only short-listed candidates will be contacted!

Please e-mail your P-11 and one page cover letter only to:

  and copy

Applications without the completed P-11 form are deemed incomplete and will NOT be considered. Required skills and experience will be reviewed based on what is included in the P11. A cover letter detailing interest and suitability may be included.

Supporting Documents SSA ToR Osh - Consultant_NA UD_NK Edits.pdf (Размер: 153 Kb)
Supporting Documents P_11_form_UNwomen doc.doc (Размер: 387 Kb)
Дата Среда, 25 Июня 2014


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un.org.kg, 2008

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