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National Expert on development, monitoring and human rights analysis in the area of judicial-legal reform in the Kyrgyz Republic Отправить другу Версия для печати
Expire date Среда, 07 Сентябрь 2016
Contract type IC
Agency OHCHR
Duration 50 working days
Place Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Contact information

Description of the assignment: National Expert on development, monitoring and human rights analysis in the area of judicial-legal reform in the Kyrgyz Republic

Project name: Peace Building Fund Project “Peace and Reconciliation through strengthening the rule of law and human rights protection”


Period of services (if applicable): 50 effective person days (September -November 2016) 

Proposal should be submitted at the following address 41, Usenbaev Street, Bishkek, 720021, Kyrgyzstan no later than at 13.00 pm, 07 September 2016.

Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to the address or e-mail . OHCHR ROCA will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants.

Supporting Documents PN_OHCHR_2016_013_Judicial Reform Expert.pdf (Размер: 337 Kb)
Supporting Documents ToR_OHCHR_2016_013_Judicial Reform Expert.pdf (Размер: 303 Kb)
Supporting Documents Confirmation of Interest and Submission of Financial Proposal.docx (Размер: 40 Kb)
Supporting Documents P11 for SCs and ICs_Rus.doc (Размер: 118 Kb)
Дата Вторник, 23 Август 2016


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un.org.kg, 2008

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