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National Consultant ‘My Safe and Peaceful School’ Отправить другу Версия для печати
Expire date Понедельник, 26 Сентябрь 2016
Contract type SSA
Agency UN WOMEN in KR
Duration October 2016 through March 2018
Place Bishkek
Terms of Reference

Application process and submission package

Applicants with mandatory marking National Consultant "My Safe and Peaceful School" need to be submitted on or before 09:00 AM on Monday, 26 September 2016, to the follwoing email address: [email protected]

1. Letter of intent with a 1-2 page brief technical proposal describing suitability to undertake the assignment;

2. Duly filled Personal History form (P11), including records on past experience in similar projects/assignments and specific outputs obtained. No other formats than a UN P-11 will be considered

3. Financial proposal (in KGS)- confirmning the number of advertised working days. The financial offer should include all costs realted to completion of the task under the current Terms of Reference


Supporting Documents TOR_NC_MSPS_Sep2016_revised.pdf (Размер: 210 Kb)
Supporting Documents P_11_form_UNwomen.doc (Размер: 391 Kb)
Дата Пятница, 09 Сентябрь 2016


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un.org.kg, 2008

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