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Welcome greetings to participants, guests, and spectators of the II World Nomad Games Send to a friend Print Version

I welcome all participants, guests, and spectators of the II World Nomad Games!

The First World Nomad Games held at the initiative of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambayev in 2014 have laid a foundation for the new international tradition, which is important from the different point of views.

The ancient land of Kyrgyzstan with a centuries-long history and traditions of the nomadic civilisation preserved by people gives new sprouts in a modern and rapidly changing world.

Gender focal points of ministries and agencies increased their knowledge and skills in promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Kyrgyz Republic Send to a friend Print Version
Gender focal points of ministries and agencies increased their knowledge and skills in promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Kyrgyz Republic

On 21-27 July 2016 a Gender Summer School under the theme “Peace and Gender-Responsive Inclusive Development” was conducted for gender focal points of ministries and agencies, and provincial administrations of the Kyrgyz Republic. The objective of the Gender School was to increase capacity and gender sensitiveness of government representatives to implement national commitments on gender equality. The School provided an opportunity to exchange best practices and build a network of gender focal

Kyrgyz Republic, WFP Launch Skills Training For Food Security In Vulnerable Communities Send to a friend Print Version

BISHKEK – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic today agreed to develop training courses and coaching services related to techniques in agriculture, to improve the knowledge, livelihoods and food security of the poor and vulnerable across the country.

How to Bet on Tennis: A Guide and Strategy

Tennis is not only a thrilling sport, but it also provides lots of opportunities for betting. Tennis, with its numerous tournaments and diverse strategies, offers unique prospects for bookmakers. However, one has to understand and apply the basics of tennis betting in order to profit from these opportunities. This article will help you understand the peculiarities of betting on tennis.

The Kyrgyzstan Sports Betting Scene

In this guide to online sports betting in Kyrgyzstan, first up is an overview of live sports betting within the country. Then the online industry is looked at along with tax implications for sports betting winnings.

The UN Agencies Meet to Establish the UN Network for the SUN Movement in the Kyrgyz Republic and Discuss The Joint UN Nutrition Strategy Send to a friend Print Version

The UN Agencies in the Kyrgyz Republic have agreed to bring together their nutrition expertise and experience in nutrition-related programme management to build up the UN Network for Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) action. This decision was made at the meeting to discuss the harmonization and coordination of the UN agencies’ activities to support the Kyrgyz Republic’s nutrition efforts.

National Statistics Committee And WFP Agree To Collaborate On Food Security Statistics In The Kyrgyz Republic Send to a friend Print Version

BISHKEK – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic (NSC) signed today a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to improve the analysis and dissemination of food security statistics in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Calling on Innovators, Implementers, Investors, Activists and Leaders to Fast-Track Ending the Aids Epidemic by 2030 Send to a friend Print Version

NEW YORK/GENEVA, 3 June 2016—The AIDS epidemic has defined the global health agenda for an entire generation. The first AIDS-related deaths were diagnosed over 30 years ago and HIV rapidly became a global crisis. The epidemic threatened all countries and had the power to destabilize the most vulnerable nations. By 2000, AIDS had wiped out decades of development gains.

Executive Boards of the UN agencies undertake first visit to the Kyrgyz Republic Send to a friend Print Version

Bishkek, May 9 – Representatives of the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, UNICEF, UN Women and WFP Executive Boards concluded today a week-long Joint Field Visit to the Kyrgyz Republic. The purpose of the Joint Field Visit (JFV) was to see first-hand the ways in which UN organizations contribute to the achievement of national development priorities. The Ambassadorial-level delegation, composed of 21 members of the four Executive Boards representing 18 countries, discussed strategies for co-operation of the UN

Медицинские специалисты из Баткенской, Ошской, Джалал-Абадской и Иссык-Кульской областей проходят обучение в сфере управления качеством медицинских услуг в организациях здравоохранения районного и областного уровней Send to a friend Print Version
Медицинские специалисты из Баткенской, Ошской, Джалал-Абадской и Иссык-Кульской областей проходят обучение в сфере управления качеством медицинских услуг в организациях здравоохранения районного и областного уровней
С 10 по 18 мая 2016 года в конференц-зале Ошской межобластной детской клинической больницы, г. Ош и с 23 по 25 мая 2016 года в конференц-зале НЦОМиД, г. Бишкек, состоятся четыре 3-х дневных обучающих тренинга «Управление деятельностью, направленной на обеспечение качественных медицинских услуг в системе охраны здоровья матери, новорожденного и ребенка» Министерством здравоохранения КР при технической поддержке Детского Фонда ООН (ЮНИСЕФ) в Кыргызстане.


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un.org.kg, 2008

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