NEW YORK (9 April 2010) – The combination of extremely low birth rates, migration losses and moderate mortality is leading to both rapid population decline and ageing in many countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Because this is an unprecedented phenomenon, the international community cannot provide these countries with policy advice or reference to best practices elsewhere.
These are findings of a new UNFPA publication entitled, Emerging Population Issues in Eastern Europe and Central Asia : Research Gaps on Demographic Trends, Human Capital and Climate Change. The report, which is being issued in conjunction with the upcoming Commission on Population and Development, notes that the decline in population size over the coming decades in Eastern Europe is certain. The remaining questions are how rapidly and by how much the population will contract. Due to a much younger age structure and current high fertility levels, demographic trends for Central Asia are expected to diverge from those in Eastern Europe. This demographic heterogeneity will likely impact future migration patterns. The report suggests that if the population of Eastern Europe declines by half while Central Asia experiences a 50 per cent population growth, significant migration of Central Asians, who speak Russian, into parts of Eastern Europe is likely.
Bishkek (9 April 2010) -- The project, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNODC, aims at assisting with the implementation of the Rule of Law in Kyrgyzstan with focus on one of the most problematic justice institutions in the country, which is the prison service.
The project is made up of the following mutually reinfocing components: reform of the legal/normative basis and relevant strategy for prison reform and alternatives to imprisonment; building the management capacity of the prison service with training and support to the training centre of the Main Service of Execution of Penalties (GSIN); developing policy and program to generate additional income for the prison service and improving the social reintegration prospects of prisoners, and the implementation of the program in pilot prison colonies; and improving the physical conditions in selected prisons. The project with a total budget of 2,7 mln. EURO will be implemented in a period of 3 years.
Бишкек, Кыргызстан (14 Апреля 2010) – Представительство Управления Верховного Комиссара ООН по делам беженцев в Кыргызской Республике (УВКБ ООН) продолжает оказывать помощь лицам прибывшим в Кыргызскую Республику в поисках убежища.
Все офисы УВКБ ООН в стране а также партнерские организации УВКБ ООН работают в обычном режиме предоставляя регулярную юридическую и социальную помощь беженцам и лицам, ищущим убежище.
В течении прошлой недели мы были в постоянном контакте с сообществами беженцев и лицами, относящимися к компетенции УВКБ ООН в Кыргызской Республике, и рады сообщить о том, что по имеющейся информации беженцы не пострадали и находятся в безопасности.
5 апреля 2010 года состоялось подписание Соглашения между Кумтор Оперейтинг Компании и Фондом ООН для развития в интересах женщин (ЮНИФЕМ) по проекту «Повышение эффективности программ развития села, направленных на улучшение качества жизни сельских жителей Тонского района Иссык-Кульской области».
Особенность проекта заключается в том, что впервые частный инвестор, в лице Кумтор Оперейтинг Компании, финансирует реализацию социальных проектов через международную организацию развития как ЮНИФЕМ.
Целью данного проекта является повышение уровня жизни сельских жителей, в особенности женщин, Тонского района Иссык-Кульской области за счет расширения их доступа к основным активам социальной и экономической инфраструктуры.
Bishkek (5 April 2010) - On 3 April, 2010 during the official visit of the UN Secretary General to the Parliament, Mr. Kurmanov, the Speaker of the Parliament, signed up to "UNiTE to end Violence against Women" Campaign.
This was the first time of the UN Secretary General to address the parliament of the CIS countries. “Upon completion of his speech, Ban Ki-moon addressed to the deputies with an appeal to join the Campaign "Unite to End Violence against Women”.
Bishkek (5 April 2010) - Saturday, 3 April the President of the Kyrgyz Republic signed up for the UN Secretary General's Campaign “UNiTE to End Violence against Women” reaffirming the commitment to make ending violence against women and girls a top priority at the state level.
A global campaign “Unite to End Violence against Women” has been initiated in 2008 by the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon. The given initiative calls for nations to put in place strong laws, action plans, preventative measures, data collection and systematic measures to address sexual violence in conflict situations.
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 3 April 2010 - Secretary-General's remarks at the presidential signing ceremony for "Say NO-UNiTE Campaign"
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 3 April 2010 - Secretary-General's joint press conference with Prime Minister Daniyar Usenov of Kyrgyzstan
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 3 April 2010 - Secretary-General's remarks to the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament of Kyrgyzstan)
Bishkek (3 April 2010) – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon continued his visit to Central Asia on Saturday with a stop in Kyrgyzstan, where he stressed the need to protect all human rights, including free speech and press freedom.
“For the UN, the protection of human rights is a bedrock principle if a country is to prosper,” Mr. Ban said in remarks to the Kyrgyz Parliament, adding that “recent events have been troubling, including the last few days.”
Бишкек, Кыргызстан (1 апреля 2010 г.) – 2 апреля в отеле «Парк Отель» состоится семинар «Глобальный Экологический Фонд в решении экологических проблем Кыргызстана». Семинар пройдет при поддержке Государственного агентства по охране окружающей среды и лесного хозяйства при Правительстве КР (ГАООСиЛХ) и ПРООН. Основной целью семинара является обсуждение вопросов партнерства всех заинтересованных сторон, а также подведения итогов цикла ГЭФ-4 (2006-2010 гг.), и перспективы новых проектов ГЭФ-5 со всеми исполнительными агентствами ГЭФ в Кыргызстане. В ходе семинара будут представлены 11 проектов ГЭФ, реализуемых в Кыргызстане.
The first of three art workshops was organized within the framework of the UN Secretary- General's Campaign UNiTE to End Violence against Women on 27 March 2010. It was attended by high-level representatives of the legislative and judicial branches, international businesses, the Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan, private banks, NGOs working on the rights of vulnerable women, youth and children.
The objective of the art workshops is to engage the government, parliament, civil society, women’s organizations, young people, the private sector and media in preventing violence and in supporting women and girls who have been abused.