Operationalizing Good Governance for Social Justice |
Category: (Joint UN projects) |
The objective of the project is to institutionalise good governance reforms and practices at all levels by Government and civil society organisations towards poverty reduction, protection of rights and sustainable human development.
The purpose of the project is to increase and render more equitable access to public services by repartition of benefits to vulnerable groups in three target groups (women, youth and children – with a strong consideration of minorities’ representation) in 30 selected rural municipalities, through improved local and national good governance processes.
The project is implemented by UN agencies - UNICEF, UN WOMEN, UNESCO and UNDP. UNDP serves as an administrative agent. European Union co-finances the project jointly with the implementing UN Agencies.
Contact persons:
Anara Alymkulova, Project Manager (), +996 312 316287
Asylgul Akimjanova, Communications Specialist (), +996 312 316287
Supporting documents: